Afiqq Blog

23 January 2009

Smell And Suck Armpit

wah lau weh. not again. so long never update ah. aiyooo...
next week, means 4th week of january i'm not working. my company close for chinese new year. puas hati ah!

for those who wants or bercita-cita nak jadi usahawan or businessman, soon there will be programmes by Youth Business Singapore in various mosques, according to the reports in berita harian. now this is something i'm going to be interested in. hopefully the mosques will work together and make it a reality cos i'm sure many muslims youths out there will be very interested.

in berita harian, they reported we've got one singaporean malay charged of molest, but he's got more skill, he smells and even suck girls' armpit. now how crazy is that? he's gonna get 14 years of imprisonment and some canings. he's 37 years old. still can consider young. suspect he's unemployed and had no money. i guess he may be living alone, thats why no one can guide him to good deeds. kesian eh.

13 January 2009

TV Sets On The Rise?

i just read news that maybe tv sets purchases may rise. well not the 30 to 40inches flat panel TVs of course.
they think that this year many consumers will be "cocooning", that is staying at home more rather than going out to watch a movie or having a good dinner at a restaurant.
so a tv set is a thing to have at home. and cable channels are a must have. especially if you're into english premier league. why waste money buying drinks and transport to watch the game at a cafe or pub when you can watch at home, with your loved ones and your pillows? nice.

i don't know if many of you felt the recession heat, but most probably, people having a higher salary for many years and then suddenly had to be cut, will suffer. of course if they know how to handle their shopping habits and eating out habits. but i heard that companies would rather fire their employees that are having higher salary especially the old ones, and get a young and fresh from the poly or uni, and pay them much much lesser. i'm talking about an old employee having a $4k or more and a new guy, that can start with $1.6k. now how much money the company can save from there ya!

so we'll see more young people in the workforce i guess for 2009. after chinese new year.

07 January 2009

Amalan Ronggeng Pada Usia Muda

aku terbaca mengenai pompuan time budak kecik dgn time dah tua, dorang less active than guys.
waktu kecik2, pompuan lebih suka berkawan dgn kumpulan yg tak ramai, lebih suka berbual-bual dari berlasak. yg budak2 lelaki lebih suka main2 dalam group yg besar, macam main bola bawah blok. budak tak kenal dari mana punya blok pun boleh kenal2.

tu sebab lah pompuan tend to be overweight. sebab dari kecik dorang tak suka berlasak.
tapi kalau budak pompuan diajak main bola sama2 dengan budak2 lelaki banyak sangat pun tak bagus. nanti bila dah besar, perangai macam jantan. berbual mcm mat2, pakai baju, seluar mcm jantan, rambut pendek, benci tengok pompuan mentel2 dengan kawan lelaki dia. hehehe!
same goes for the budak2 lelaki, kalau diajak main barbie doll sama budak2 pompuan, kalau dah selalu sangat, dah besar nanti, bercita-cita nak jadi cantik macam barbie doll jugak, senang kata jadi bapok, teringin nak ada dada yg besar, tak suka "berekor". haaa.

jadi macam mana nak elakkan dari perkara begini, bagaimana kita nak kasi balance sama budak2 pompuan dan budak2 lelaki. satu cara ialah, ajar mereka menari pada usia mereka muda!
ya, menari. misalnya, joget ronggeng, lelaki dengan pompuan boleh join sama2, sebab ronggeng fast pace, tapi lembut. amacam?
kalau dikir barat, pompuan boleh main tepuk2, lelaki main gendang2.
senang kata, ajar anak2 kita, tak kira anak pompuan atau anak lelaki, ajarlah mereka seni melayu. lagi baik tarian lah. sebab tarian kira macam open, pompuan, lelaki boleh menari bersama.
cuma masalahnya, kalau dah usia remaja, ada bahayanya kalau diajak ronggeng antara lelaki remaja dan wanita remaja. takut2 nanti mereka akan terus meronggeng bersama setelah selesai ronggeng diatas stage.

ok tu je. petikan idea diambil dari website BBC News. mereka membincangkan mengapa wanita lebih less active dari lelaki pada usia muda dan usia lanjut.

06 January 2009

Gaza Jatuh

aku rasa ada baiknya israel teruskan perjuangan diorang dan hapuskan kesemua orang hamas. mungkin lepas itu, semua akan selamat. dan ramai akan mati.
hamas memilih untuk memulakan peperangan. mereka yang melepaskan roket2 dahulu. playing fire with fire and all hell breaks loose.
aku doakan semoga Allah selamatkan orang2 gaza.