Afiqq Blog

26 July 2004

A Trip to The Dead

dat day, i went with farhan to his friends house cos his friend meninggal dunia. when i reached there, there were alot of people downstairs, we went up, there were alot of people standing outside the house, cos there's too many people inside. and so the trip started. after the dead was being cleaned, the ustaz put kain kapan on him, then put kapas on parts of his body. after that, he asked his family members to kissed him on his forehead. that's where you see alot of people shed their tears.

then we went to Pusara Abadi. i watched everything from how his body were put into the hole, until the last piece of land were put on his grave. one of his friends were crying on someones shoulders, he just cannot accept the truth, i can see that. but he was ok after that.

then me and farhan went straight to skool. guess what... we went to PhatNite! i was excited, cos u know me, never went clubbing before, so i wanna see it for myself. we went in, and saw, less people. big space, many guys, too little girls. boring. well too bad. what to do. they made this party for SIT(Skool of IT) students only. thats y ah.