Afiqq Blog

08 November 2004

Sorry Budak2 Silat NYP

my previous blog i talked about jalan raya with budak2 silat nyp. and i said that i don't wanna go with a whole bunch of them but i wanna go sikit2 orang aje. so i chose a few of my close friends from silat nyp and i put it in the blog. somehow, that made some members unhappy. i realised that i should include other members that they think that i'm close to them.

of course all the silat nyp members from the first time i joined till the new batch of 2003 are close members of silat nyp. but some of them i treat them very close like nazrin, izad, wan, ed and suzi. thats why i put their names in there. but it was my mistake that i put the names like zila and haz cos these people were new members abih teringat nama2 dorang waktu aku buat blog tersebut. it was also my mistake that i didn't put the old2 members like anuar gegerl, bedah, nik fazly, fizah, aida, hanah etc.... aku tak teringat nama2 korang ni semua. im sorry guys for not putting you in. lagipun this is just my opinion from my heart. also, aku belum nak buat any arrangements for jalan raya. ni cuma aku punya idea aje.

about the jalan raya with the rest of the members of silat nyp, well, aku malas nak keluar dgn korang sebab i will be busy during the hari raya. lagipun aku dah di 'book' oleh budak2 dari pri and sec sch friends and also dari budak2 mcg-nyp. aku dah penat nak keluar jalan raya, unless aku keluar dgn budak2 yg aku dah lama tak jumpa atau yg tak pernah pergi rumah dorang. so aku mintak maaf ok.

korang pernah dengar kan blogs boleh merosakkan seseorang relationship dgn mataair atau kawan2 rapat kan? so if my blog makes your heart pain, i apologise. to me, i write blogs by not thinking what to write. i write blogs right on the spot punya. so kalau waktu aku rasa marah, nanti the blogs will sound angry even though i was talking about nice things which of course mostly i don't write something nice. i always talk about negative things. also, masalah aku ni, aku tak pandai nak censored2 apa yg aku cakap dan fikir. aku main hembus aje. so kalau hati2 kamu tersinggung dgn perbuatan aku atau dgn kata2 aku, aku mintak maaf. serious, aku tak berniat pun nak menyakitkan hati orang2.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! » » »

March 05, 2007 6:52 AM  

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