Afiqq Blog

25 May 2006

air dicincang tak akan putus

dat day, my sister asked me out for lunch at banquet greenridge. i thought i wanna say no, but i just say yes. went there and we ate. then suddenly my sister asked me about the one i was talking about which my sis were too busy to talk to me dat nite, about dat personal stuffs of mine. she gave me good advice, i was happy , at last i got someone i totally trust to talk about these stuffs.

me and my police frend decided to go jogging at NYP stadium. since there's no recall so i'm free lah. it felt good after that, seriusly, tapi yg rabaknya kita gi makan kat banquet at AMK. so macam useless lah cos i ate fried chicken rice.

during this time, there's a problem. then after my jog, i heard that there's another problem that involved me. these problems are first time, never happen before in my life. tapi yang pasti, i want to settle it as soon as possible.