Saturday Tengok Bola Suah
i went to one of my customer's shop. they sell t-shirts of their design, printing done by our company! yeah. so i went to queensway SC and met the owner, talked about the logo she wanted me to do. and also some artwork got to do with handcuffs and a whistle.
aiyoh... Saturday nothing to do liao. takkan nak keluar sorang2 pulak kan? oh well, hopefully got some friends who can ajak gi main lan gaming after the singapore-malaysia match. a win is a must for the lions.
ok i've watched the Golden Compass. ok ok ah. but its like going to be Lord of the Rings kinda thing. they got a few different races. but i like the race where humans have animal spirit alongside you. and the animal spirit can talk to you some more. especially the girl who got a very cute animal spirit. boleh jadi kucing, mouse, bird etc. kan best if we have that kinda thing.
the last part got a few "war" with the humans with their animals, fighting with a company of soldiers look and sounds like russians. they even include flying witches with their bow and arrows, and one angry snow bear.
eh i realise some of my friends who got blogs were having lyrics and the video of one of the song in the Enchanted movie. best kan cerita? very sweet. like i said in my previous blog, i love jaselle. shes cute, not because she looks cute, because her penampilan diri beliau, kemanjaan beliau dan lain2.
check out my pictures i took using my Nokia E65 on my office table. i conteng2 the gambar using CorelDraw 3.
oh yeah, which one is correct? british english or american english? cos i get getting wrong spellings and most of them were in british english.

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