Afiqq Blog

02 August 2004

General! The Japanese had landed in NYP!

1st aug 2004. MCG held a party at east coast consisted of all the sub groups of MCG, drama, tarian and dikir barat. heikal with 2 other girls from tarian organized a few great games for us, it was really funny. the food was not bad, enough chickens to feed the people. but the most important thing was i finally knew all the people from tarian and dikir, since i only knew all the members from drama only. so i think its a good occasion to eratkan silaturrahim.

31st july 2004. silat NYP had a performance for the Sakuran Exchange Programme, we put up a show for the japanese students from Gakuen High School. there were regu, ganda keris, ganda kuncian and ganda sembat. i played sembat with hidayat. it was the first time i played with the sembat, and play ganda sembat with hidayat was one of the best thing for me! i really hit him hard man! hehehe sorry dayat if u got some bruises on your body. the japanese were amazed and satisfied for our performance. oh yeah, the japanese also put up some shows. one guy karaoke-ing japanese song, one guy playing with the soccer ball, showing some great moves. then theres a group of students, wearing skool uniform with a long skirt-like costumes, look more like the aikido suit, one guy were saying something in japanese while moving his arms. then the rest follows. then suddenly the whole team were doing some funny moves while chanting some japanese words. then one guy asks everyone to come down and do the same thing they did together with them, so ipin asked us all to come down and do the moves together. it was funny! i even remember the tunes they were singing. its really hard to explain here. i can show you a few moves dat i remember if you really interested to see lah.


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