Sri Lang The Guinea Pig, Died...
after i went back home from the unofficial drama practice at nyp, my mum told me the sad news. Sri Lang, my pet guinea pig, had died. i think in the afternoon. i was sad to hear dat. the last time i was playing with Sri Lang was yesterday. i got the chance to feed him yesterday. scrubbed his body too. well, i hope my dad is alright cos he loved Sri Lang very much, dats why he always took care of Sri Lang everyday, never miss its morning and afternoon feeding time. he also cleaned its cage too, something dat i don't dare to do it because i don't like to clean shit or something dats yucky. Sri Lang can even recognize my dad's voice cos when my dad called its name, Sri Lang will squeak! cute eh...

Sri Lang

my mum said dat my dad was there while Sri Lang had its last breath. he saw the little cutie nazak, macam sesak2 nafas gitu. my dad rubbed its body gently while saying some prayers. when it died, my dad said that Sri Lang's face look beautiful. nampak cantik, i think dats a sign dat Sri Lang died in peace and maybe it sees Heaven, i guess.
Rest In Peace little cutie...
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