BBQ Pit 77 - Hell!

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i was listening to my favorite mariah carey songs, without you and always be my baby while writing this blog. love those old songs. membawa kenangan silam beb!
dat saturday, after i finish shooting at admiralty for eysham's short film at 11.20pm, i quickly took a cab to woodlands interchange to catch my last bus, 966 to parkway parade. reach there, i walk to the macdonalds east coast so, easier for sofian to take me there by car. but why i dun wanna walk to the bbq pit? because the pit number is 77. at the macdonalds there, its pit is 28. so can u imagine how far it is? i calculated from the macdonalds east coast to the pit 77 is 8.75km!!! if we take the average speed humans walk, 1.3m/s then the total time to walk from the marine cove macdonalds to the pit 77 in front of the National Sailing Federation Centre Sports Complex is... 1 hour 52 minutes and 10 seconds!!!
at night i got to eat chickens and ketam and hotdog. ok lah tu. after dat i play blackjack with abang nana, naz, ipin and khairul (budak baru, entah betul ke tak namanya tu). using my 10 cent coins, i lost 50 cents (hutang!) heheehe. then i play gitar with nazrin, then some people came to us and sang together, usual stuff lah. some of them were in a another group playing "murderer, thief, police". at around 4++ that group all gone, sleeping. me? well some of them went to sleep also after singing Hari Raya songs, hehehe!
after around 10+ we went off, walking to the nearest bus stop. good thing there's a bus stop there. only one bus there from Changi Airport, no 36. its a 20 min walk ah. oklah. not bad. but suck ah. jauh, tak dapat main bola. tak dapat mandi laut, pasal air warna itam sak!
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