Afiqq Blog

20 January 2005

Shuqun, Shuqun, Famed In Jurong...

hmm... shuqunites of 1999 o level batch, where are you? i wanna meet ashadi, Burn, Faizal. Sofian, dulu yg tendang side kick ke arah muka waktu aku sec 1, telah pun aku jumpa. Junaidah, dia tak payah jumpa lah, dah bergelar isteri, takkan nak jumpa kan! pernah terjumpa Aisyah, tapi tak tegur, malu ah. Suhaila terus tak nampak dia lagi. hehehe... talking about shuqun, i wanna talk about those glory years ah.

sec 1: aku ikut konsep surfers, beg duit Ocean Pacific. beg Umbro, tali beg diikat kat depan beg jadi ketat beg tu dan melekat ke badan kita. hahah susah nak explain, tapi oldtimers mesti tau maksud aku ni. rambut belakang "duck tail". Dats what they call it in the past. A must for all yg berkonsep surfers. i was in love with someone in the same class. I was into pop songs, i'm a Perfect Ten listener. always listen to the nite show where people sends letters to be read in the radio. Oh yeah, i'm into Take That and the Scorpions. the year where i start to act, in class, during literature class. i became Julius Caeser. i became a prefect. first time played bowling at Jurong Entertainment Centre, many times especially in the friday morning.

sec 2: i was into Backstreet Boys! oh yes man! i love their first album! still in love with the same girl. started to love dikir barat. i love many songs from the Mega Perdana 1997. some of their songs i can remember their lyrics, now dunno lah. i became Romeo in Romeo and Juliet's acts and i played as Macbeth, in the literature class. my heart broke becos the girl i love went steady with someone, is it in sec 1 or sec 2 i can't remember. this is the year i started to read malay novels. mostly i lent books from Jurong East Library, my usual hangouts during that time. Started smoking, Gudang Garam was the first cigarrette i smoked. first time go jamming, at Seng Chai, my friends didnt play anything, cos they dunno how to. i went to the drumset and played the drums for this song, by foo fighters - Big Me. one of them sang. so imagine, my friend sang the song followed my drumbeats, with no guitar sounds. WTF!!!!! Remember tamagotchi? it was a big hit!

sec 3: Tried one yoyo trick. tried the digimon console (its a better version of Tamagotchi), trying to get the Bear monster by jolok a piece of card into the digimon console. my first Hari Raya Show, i had to learn to dance ronggeng, thanks to Mom for teaching me. had my first girlfriend, sec 1 student, heheh. joined a newly made dikir barat in Jurong Town CC, but died after the end of the year. they were called Seni Warisan. these were the worst year i had, no close friends in my new class. most of my malay close friends were not being close to me, or is it i am not close to them? hmmm... also they were trying to be matured, and that time i'm still immature, so i had to act mature just to get accepted by these group.

sec 3 retained: Started MIRC. i had new sets of friends (dat includes you, Yusry, the only new sets of friend whom had a blog), they all one year younger than me. they are more like me, fun, happy-go-lucky, relax2, tak macam kawan2 lama aku yg nak step matured. i learnt skateboarding with them, i played soccer alot with them. i was not being called for prefect duty anymore. kirakan aku kena fired gitu ah, hahah! the only hari raya show that i did almost all the shows, oh yah, the first time i learnt silat, with Izzam and did a show there, did 2 dikir barat in one show too! Wow! And joget too! Wah Lau! Syiok ah.

sec 4: nothing much happen, most of the time, i had alot of fun with my new sets of friends, skateboarding, soccer. the only time i played alot of bowling during pre-O levels.


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