Afiqq Blog

13 January 2005

Practical in ECP

Yesterday was nice ah waktu ada Pusaka Seni practice. the juniors made their own version of "Belas Nuraga", the puisi by Remaja Artistik's(former Drama Club in Woodlands CC) NYP Hari Raya Show 2003. Their movements felt very gothic, mysterious and scary. Hehehe... thats my opinion.

Just now met my friends, one of them were talking about practical for motorcycles. i asked them what is 'checking blindspot'. after she explained a bit, then i remembered i've practiced that before, at East Coast Park, using a rented bicycle. That time, i ride the bicycle, i gave way to other bikers to move, i check behind me before i wanna turn, i slow down when i reached the zebra crossing. Syiok ah! next time, must go there again and practice this things, cos at ECP aje kita boleh practice. sebab byk bikers dan pedestrians kat sana, so its good to practice there.