Afiqq Blog

06 February 2005

Banquet Bt Panjang

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last week i went to Banquet Bt Panjang 2 times. This week i go Banquet Bt Panjang 2 times also. Fulamak! Kenyang, murah, sedap... cukup memuaskan. Tak caya, tanya heikal dan rafi, they've been there. aku boleh bet, orang2 melayu yg makan kat Banquet Bt Panjang, tak semua yg tinggal kat Bt Panjang, some of them look like easterners and northerners, serius gua cakap sama lu. so i guess this tempat makan lu orang mesti mahu pergi. Oh yeah, 4 kali aku gi makan kat sana, aku tak bayar full, tak cukup duit kan, so adik aku kira macam belanja aku gitu. best kan!

but that friday, i went to Banquet Bt Panjang with my sis, she was on the phone with her boyfriend, she looked stress. dah sampai kat tempat makan, kita duduk, she was still on the phone. then her eyes was dripping with tears. i felt unease, rasa macam nak kebas talipon tu dan beritahu boyfriend dia tu call her another time. seriously my mood almost gone u know! aku nak enjoy makan lunch dgn adik aku, aku tak nak makan dgn adik aku yg sedang menangis! tapi memandangkan ini hal antara adik aku dgn boyfriendnya aku tak mahu masuk campur.

after she hung up the phone, i tried to asked her whats wrong. she said she didn't wanna talk about it. but dgn sendirinya she luahkan perasaannya. cos that's the only way she can release the tension and stress. selepas dia dah lepaskan segala2nya, barulah dia nampak ok, and we ate happily. dia belanja aku fishball noodle dry while i bought for her air bunga tin.

Banquet Bt Panjang terletak di Greenridge Shopping Centre near Jelapang LRT. Take the lrt, and stop at Jelapang, then walk there, you may not see the shopping centre, so i suggest you go to to check out the exact place. Pada sesiapa yg nak naik bus, go to SMRT BUS Website. Jangan nak jadi bodoh... Go find it yourself, jangan call aku, tanya kat mana tempat tu. I won't help you. Seriously.

Cheh! marah seh...

My favorite food there: Fishball Noodle Dry, Laksa Cina, Yong Tau Foo with curry and yellow mee.

Jangan beli makanan yg jual nasi campur tu, dorang kasi kuah lokek sangat. Dah tu mahal! Beli air dalam tin, jangan beli air yg dorang letak kat paper cup aje seperti air Bandung. cawannya besar, tapi ice dorang letak byk2, nanti airnya sikit ajer, buat ape beli air, betul tak?


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