Drifting in Tokyo

thats my partner on the left, congrats on your promotion as a lance corporal. syiok kan rasanya bila dah boleh letak tepi Private rank dan pakai rank yang ada line bengkok? it felt as if you've been working in CDA for a long time already. yang tengah baring tu is my NCO(non-commissioned officer).

as for me, being a corporal felt like a senior hehehe...

went to Lido to catch Tokyo Drift. wooo, fantasy habis ah beb. pretty cars, pretty girls... after the show suddenly we were interested in talking about cars, for a few minutes. while we were walking, i felt as if the cars on the road were moving too slow.
kau ingat kau kelakar sangat ape bebual tu macam? hehhe. kelakar cute siul.
wak! aku mcm hantu seh! lol! hantu kepala! tapi stail ah.
biasa jugak! **mat rep stail**
wak! aku suka ah ngan ko nye link tu...lawa seh...style... hehehe
terima kasih wir, mlm2 buta ilham dtg nak buat benda tu mcm, so aku buat ajer. it was hard work though heheh.
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