I Got Problem with Guys Wearing Coloured Contact Lenses

i got a problem with guys wearing coloured contact lenses. i was working with an NSF duty officer and during the morning hours i had to do some briefing with him. you see, when we talk we must make eye contact so that the other party can understand easily. when i was making eye contact with him while talking, i became nervous, because the way he looked at me. actually he looked at me normally. but because he's wearing coloured contact lenses, its like as if i'm making eye contact with a young woman! Ya Allah! Na'UzuBillaMinZalik!!!
lelaki melayu warna mata diorang biasa hitam atau coklat gelap. tapi kalau diorang pakai contact lens yang berwarna biru, kuning dan mungkin ungu, ia betul2 nampak tidak senonoh. wanita lah yang paling afdhal untuk memakai contact lens yang berwarna-warni sebab diorang nampak cantik bila memakainya. kalau lelaki melayu pakai, nampak cantik jugak, maksud aku yang bapuk lah.
ada orang gak yang stuju ngan me.
lelaki lelaki ni semua,
pakai contect lens colour colour,
cos they wanna see their dark life in different light,
add colours to their miserable world.
wak tak terfikir nak pakai contact lens colour colour?
purple should be alright for you.
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