MC for the1st Time
tuesday supposed to work but i had a fever. so i thought i go to medical centre to get drugs and MC! and yeah! i got 2 days MC, for the first time in 14 months of serving NS! Wow! it feels good actually. but i still had to do a few things at my office before i went home. i don't know why ah but i felt like working a few more hours ah but my NCO stopped me and asked me to go home. so i finished one of the paperwork then i went home.
hari raya so far had been nice. well my house not many came this year. that's good lah, malas ah nak layan. if my friends come oklah no problem. kalau saudara mara tu malas ah nak layan lagi2 yang tak rapat.

more hari raya pics here
that time when i go jalan raya with my family and my uncle's family, they had a vehicle but my family do not have. and all my family don't know how to drive either. so end up we split and took a taxi while the rest squeezed in to my uncle's MPV. i realised, if only i had a driving licence, i could have rented a car or a small van and i can bring my family to any house we wanted to visit. i remembered last year my family went for jalan raya using public transport. it was very tiring. and we only managed to visit about 3 houses or 4 houses. and that was the last time we gonna do that cos my sister my mother all complaining of tiredness and heatiness etc. kesian pulak aku tengok family aku ni.
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