Suka-Tak Suka Percintaan Zak Dan Azura

heikal ni memang degil orangnya. sebenci dan sesakit hati pun, dia tetap sayang dia peh girl. had a good chat with him when i went out with him temankan dia gi shopping jap, bought some football kits. then we head to Magic Wok to eat rice with chilli prawns, lemon chicken, sayur with daging with white rice.
had a deep thought while watching Azura (80's movies) featuring Ogy and Jamal Abdillah. their love for each other were so deep, the guy, Zack sanggup tinggalkan keluarga kerana mereka penghalang cinta mereka. sampaikan sekolah pun terpaksa berhenti kerana tiada wang. at one point i love watching these 2 being in love but another point aku naik menyampah dengan dorang yg terlalu lovey dovey. maybe i'm jealous lah.

Ogy was absolutely cute and beautiful, love her very much. manja pulak tu dia. heheh. most her movies also she acted as a manja girl.
oh and also, i'm crazy for the songs featured in the movies. they are lovely to listen, very catchy. mana nak cari eh lagu2 soundtracks dari movies2 zaman 80an?

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