Afiqq Blog

01 December 2006

A Tarian Girl as my Kekasih

yesterday morning, i watched the VCD, Pondok, with my nenek and my mum. my nenek actually laughed lah especially the crazy people in Taman Indah. hey, its difficult you know to get my nenek laugh. Senario, Ganyut ni semua tak goyang ah. kalau cerita2 lama zaman p ramlee, tu boleh. but after the second part of the theater, it got bored. the story was half done and i changed it to the interviews part.

while i was watching with my nenek and my mum, suddenly my nenek talk about what kind of girl that i should find. i think she talked about it before.
these are her criteria:
fair skin.
younger than me.
not fat. actually aku nak explain lebih sikit on this part tapi macam jatuhkan air muka nenek aku nanti. and its like 3 times aku backspace the explanations that i've wrote here. biarlah ia menjadi satu rahsia.

oh she told me to get one of the tarian girls that she watched in the VCD. hahaahahah!!!! i told her, all of them are attached.

heheheehe... fat hope lah if i wanna follow those criteria. i told my mum to find for me if i really couldn't find a girl.


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