Afiqq Blog

15 January 2007

Disappointing Game, Disappointing Prata

the singapore vs vietnam match was disappointing for me, if only i could count how many "alamaks" and "haiyahs" i've said during the game. Singapore's style were mostly long passes and sometimes they looked like they lost confidence to attack.

even though the crowd was half full, the atmosphere were totally 'Vietnam'ing. the shoutest cheers, the wave, the chanting all came from the Vietnam fans. Singaporeans were kinda shy to shout.

then after the game, me and my friends decided to go Jalan Kayu to eat. what a disappointment when they gave a very normal looking roti prata, and even the taste was normal. and its 70 cents!
i thought jalan kayu roti prata were famous? maybe during those days only...


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