Afiqq Blog

03 June 2007

Me = Panda

Do you have...

* difficulty waking up in the morning?
* inability to concentrate?
* falling asleep during classes?
* feelings of moodiness and even depression?

Try this...

* Sleep experts believe that exercising 5 or 6 hours before bedtime (in late afternoon) may actually help a person sleep.
* Don't drink beverages with caffeine, such as soda and coffee, after 4 PM. Nicotine is also a stimulant.
* Stay away from bright lights (including computer screens!)
* Try not to exercise right before bed, though, as it can raise your body temperature and wake you up.

For More Infos, visit:

Why Wak is Telling You This?

* i got caught sleeping during work time before, and it felt sucky getting caught red-handed.
* my eyes looked like Panda. and that's not cute.
* most of my subjects i took during my Poly years got grades of C and below due to last minute late night study.
* i actually disturbed my parents sleep due to noises from my keyboard while typing or having conversations and playing games with my siblings. (My room is badly not sound proof.)
* oh yeah, i also disturbed my Nenek's sleep because of the lights from my room and my sister's room. and also the noise too. cos she slept in the living room. so not my problem. her fault what, who asked her to sleep in the living room?


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