I Dunnoe How To 'Keng' MC
i was late for some Prize Presentation at CDA. everyone was at the parade square getting ready for the rehearsal on the commands. i quickly ran inside the parade square and got in line. after the rehearsals, the Director came and the sergeant major shouted 'Sedia' and we were all in Sedia position. after the Director walk around for checking of the 'Baris' the prize presentation then started.
first was the Long Service Award then the Excellence Award. When the announcer announced for the Perfect Attendance Award, my heart started pumping very fast. but i was surprised that the announcer didn't call out my name.
After everything ended, i went into the Admin Office and was ushered to the Major of Admin Office as the prize winner latecomer. he gave me a gift and a certificate. i asked him, "Sir, no cash voucher?" and he answered, "you got the gift and you want cash voucher some more, Basket!"
"Joking only sir, hehehe," i smiled. Kepala Hotak Kau lah Major.

i got this gift and a certificate for Perfect Attendance Award, for working in a year without having Medical Leave or MC.
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