Afiqq Blog

13 February 2008

Cinta Orang Ketiga by wak killa

Cinta Orang Ketiga by Wak Killa

dia sayang dia
dia cinta dia
dia berubah hati
orang ketiga menjelmakan diri
aku menyaksikannya
bila dia rebah
setelah mendengar khabar
si ketiga mencuri hatinya
sedih, pilu, malu
mereka sudah tidak bersatu
semua orang sudah tahu
dia dipinggir
lalu tersingkir
kesian dia
diabai begitu saja
kawan sudah tiada
sesal pasti terasa ke?

what is "like"?
for my opinion, it is when i feel very syiok when talking to someone. syiok as in i feel very happy and i laugh whenever she talks and maybe more than that. and also when she's got great topics to talk about like life, science, world news, anything except about herself and her family members and her friends who most of them got problems that cannot be solved.

what is "in love" then?
when after talking to her, tried to sleep but i can't cos kept thinking of her cute face.

then what is love?
its when i care about her and she cares about me too.


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