Afiqq Blog

01 December 2008

Another Bad day for Muslims

the mumbai terror attacks was quite a surprise for me. never thought there's another major terrorists attacks after the 9-11 that also surprised me that i watched the news almost everyday at the NYP library back then. but what saddened me was the Singaporean who got killed by the terrorists.

maybe the world is not updated so much about the clash at Kashmir between India and these kasmir people. so they thought, why not go inside India and kill people to create awareness to the world.

remember the seige by the terrorists from Chechnya, where they took hostages in the theatre and a school at Russia? that also i think they were trying to create awareness to the world about the clash between Russia and the people in Chechnya.

yg sedihnya, those terrorists are muslims, the kasmir people fighting for kashmir, they are muslims, the chechan people, they are muslims too.
muslims killing innocent people just to get attention from the world.
end up what you get is total discrimination towards all muslims around the world! stupid...


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