Afiqq Blog

03 October 2008

A Good Hari Raya This Year

for my raya preparation, i didn't realise that my money keep coming out from my debit card to the atm machine and then into my wallet temporarily. suddenly the money went out and never came back. sedih :(

i've never had this preparation for myself yg teramat sangat! i didn't wanna buy baju kurung this year but the semangat raya dalam hati meluak2. after my sis collected her nice raya suit, we went to the Aniz collection at Singpost building, yang dorang cakap baju kurungnya murah2 tu, thought of just look around to see the colours and patterns of the kurung. but because my sis wanted all of us to wear blue, since hers was blue, she persuaded me to buy one since i got no blue.
i was looking at the $20 baju kurung. cheap tu memang lah. tapi mcm tak puas hati. so i went to see the $38 kurung which was more nicer with its patterns and the colour combinations are pretty interesting. dah kasi mintak tengok dgn abang penjual tu. but i was still termenung lama, nak beli ke tak... end up beli jugak lor.
malam raya, went to geylang serai with my friends. same thing never thought of buying anything, then my friend said he wanted to buy chapal. terasa macam nak pulak. lagi2 chapal putih yg i've been wanting to have. cos chapal putih looks cool lah. i remember last time my mat rep friends used to wear white chapals, cool lah. dah lah mat rep, cool pulak tu. lawar. so i bought it. only $9. problem was it was a fake kind. plastic sole, cheap leather, very2 light. teruk betul. yang betul2 punya chapal yg kayu, leather kes real punya, berat pulak tu, dah takde lagi lah.

first day hari raya, finally for the first time for a long time, i got the chance to solat hari raya inside the mosque instead of the field beside the mosque. best. you know, people like to come right on the dot, bila dah sampai aje, terus boleh sembahyang. well they are wrong! sampai aje, nak kena cari tempat kosong dulu. and usually some of them who are super late, didn't get a place to sembahyang. some of them lagi kesian, sembahyang depan selipar2 orang. ni kes tak cukup puasa ah ni. memang terkutuk punya mat rep.

first day raya at my house was ok. not as much people as last year. one family came early and went home early, for the first time, due to their daughter's PSLE exam on friday.
only difference, they said the house look more nicer especially with all the extra accesories like extra lighting, new jamban cover, new and modern carpets, extra lampu kelap kelip. they knew, my sis and myself working already, that why more nicer. cos we fork out money together for our house too.

good raya this year. its a good year. badan dapat turun 4kg.

to my friends who are reading my blog right now, especially from shuqun secondary batch 99 and 2000, my poly mates batch 2003 and 2004, my friends from silatNYP batch 2001 to 2003, my mcgNYP / Andayu friends the very old till the young ones, selamat hari raya kawan2. mintak maaf banyak2 ye kalau aku ada buat salah dan silap dgn korang semua pada zaman2 dulu kita berkawan hinggalah sampai kali terakhir kita bertemu dan bertegur sapa. maaf banyak2 zahir maupun batin.


Blogger Ousizch said...

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from ousizch in

October 03, 2008 8:06 AM  

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