Puasa 2008

this is it!
fasting month is here again! Woohoo!
why is it that i think fasting month is better than other months including hari raya:
-lepak and play arcade with friends after solat terawih,
-can go eat together with friends,
-can go shopping for hari raya together with friends,
-the only best time to clean up my room and maybe the whole house
dengan diiringi lagu2 raya yg pasti membuat kita lebih semangat untuk mengemas rumah!
-the only month that i think my whole family members can actually sit together in one table, having our sahur while having conversations, share problems and some gossips from the workplace, discussing about issues like family stuffs or even political stuffs, despite being very sleepy though. :)
that's why the month of ramadhan is the best. of course i don't forget about ibadah. in fact doing ibadah during the fasting month is very easy. cos all the satans kena tied up. thats why its a great month.
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