Afiqq Blog

25 February 2005

My Cousin Getting Married, Wait, WATS HER NAME AH?

nenek: besok saudara kau nak kawin, kau gi tak? pergi dgn nenek lah.
abg: errr, oh tak boleh, ada drama, besok abg ada competition
nenek: kau punya pasallah! nanti dorang kata aku jahatlah, nanti dorang kata aku yang hasut kau jgn datang jenguk saudara kau!
abg: ............must blog abt this

ok, my saudara or to be exact my cousin is getting married next week, shes a girl don't know what age and i don't even know what's her name. i only her mother's name, Cik Noresah Jurong. cos i got 2 Cik Noresah, one at Jurong and one at Teban.

you see, my cousin is my father's side punya family, while my nenek is my mother's side punya family, that's why my nenek don't feel at ease going to my father's side punya family because my nenek kata, my father's side punya family ingat dunia, while my nenek side ingat akhirat which is actually true because usually when my father's side ada macam jemputan kahwin or even jalan raya, none of them sembahyang. only a few pakcik, makcik sebelah bapak aku yg sudah bertaubat. also, my cousins, tak kira pompuan atau lelaki dari sebelah bapak aku punya side, dorang ni ada yg minah2, cuma aku masih belum nampak lagi kalau2 ada cousin lelaki aku yg mat reps. but some of them ada yg sudah bermotorsikal lah, so they are actually better than ME, cos look at me, i did my basic theory test when i was in year 1 and then i failed, and i stopped lah. anyway, the test must pay $6 so tak payah lah. next time.

oh yeah about my nenek or my mum's family side, 2 pakciks went for Haj already, my mum went already, my other pakcik aje belum. and we will always have a tahlil together in any of my nenek punya anak's house every 2 or 3 months at least. and also, if my pakcik whose firman called him the Highlander, cos he's the pious one, he will lead all the family in sembahyang berjemaah especially maghrib and isyak.

dat is why, sometimes when my father's side punya family came to my house during hari raya, my nenek will show this kind of a hate face towards them, especially my cousins2 yg masih kecil. tak layan langsung! which is like sombong nak mampos! tak baik kan buat gitu? dorang pun manusia jugak, cuma belum taubat ajer.

oh yeah, my nenek side is very together together lah, well cause my nenek live in my house, of cos anak2 dia semua datang rumah aku. so dats y i'm very rapat with my nenek side of the family. but for my father side, aku tak rapat, sebab my father got 13 siblings include him, so we cannot like meet together in one house, nanti crowded gila. and also, i don't come for jemputan kahwin for my father's side and dats the only time all my father's family are there. so dats y aku cuma kenal beberapa cousins2 aku, itu pun aku cuma kenal nama dorang sahaja, kesian ah. also, my father's mum and dad passed away, so i don't come to their house anymore which they dulu tinggal dgn kakak yg paling tua dlm siblings bapak aku. so kesian kan, saudara sendiri pun tak kenal.

kalau saturday i cannot come, takkan sunday pun aku tak boleh datang kan?

just now my sister showed her face and asked how's her make up, first aku cakap salah dat she use too much foundation padahal dia cuma letak bedak sikit ajer. ok ok. step pandai pulak aku. but after dat i said her eye shadow too dark which is true because her eyes dah letak celak, so macam mata nya belolok gitu, then her eye shadow like too dark and it makes her eyes macam kena tumbuk gitu, so i asked to wear light purple since she's wearing dark purple Watson's uniform, hehhe...


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