Afiqq Blog

09 February 2006

To Jail He's Gone

i think i should focus more on home right now. firstly, costs for basic things like soap, detergents etc. then food for dinner, lunch and breakfast. then electricity usage. so far my computer has been using the most electricity ever! then water usage. but so far water no problem. last but not least, my hp bills(for the first time i'm gonna pay for it in my own account), my personal toiletries, my clothings.

when my salary comes i wanna buy a pair of jeans. usually i buy clothes but my friend said wait for the season comes because when the season comes, you see there'll be more new clothes to choose from. well i'm talking about Topshop. its one of the shop i love most to shop for male clothes. so far i bought one only lah, thanks to raudha. thought of buying one jeans and one clothes. cannot ah, budget lari dok.

yesterday i got to know, my partner has gone to jail. 21 months and 6 strokes of the cane. pity for him. his case is on rioting. but whats up with the 6 strokes man?
i'll be working alone now. can't take leave and no way i'm gonna ask other rota to cover for me if i'm sick cos they surely do not want to. well good thing is i'm used to work alone for 1 month plus. so there'll be no problem for me lah.