Go Public, Andayu

this is to the andayu members who read my blog.
what happen to andayu's blogspot? why is it being put for invited readers only?
other perbayu and mcg blogs from various schools like nyjc, ntu and rp are all public u know.
then if i wanna know when's the next Layar Andayu (all time favourites even though LA'07 was alittle bit too death metal), when's the gema puisi artistik if andayu's joining, when's the pesta peti putih if there is this year, when's the hari raya show and piala khatulistiwa, and lastly my favourite group, INK, dorang takde buat show kat mana2 ke? lama tak tengok dorang beraksi.
come on guys. i may be just one of the ex-andayu member, but i still support andayu ok. in fact andayu shows are the only shows thats free. (ok ni part salahkan sekolah.) pada andayu member yg baca aku punya blog, remember, nak buat t-shirt, call me alright. you design, we print! and the andayu.blogspot.com please go Public. Insyaallah...
anyway i googled gema puisi artistik 2008 and Google found nyjc's perbayu's blogspot posting the 2008 GPA post. it's on this saturday! crap man! i'm going to ubin this saturday. tapi yg herannya, all the participants are secondary schools only. weird.
oh yer, i want to know, got any competition for tarian dlm peringkat skola tak?
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