Afiqq Blog

28 July 2005

I Know CPR

"and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 10 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 15"

yessar aku dpt blajar CPR! rupa rupanya nak buat CPR senang lah. i've always been curious abt how people do CPR, even though i dun have the guts to ask them. so finally dpt try. also aku dpt try picit fire extinguisher. my corperal ask me to run with the carbon dioxide fire estinguisher and run to the goal post on the field about 50m and spray it at the side pole. jadilah walaupun tak dpt spray kat api betul.

then comes the worst part of my physical training, after our 5 basic exercise, kita kena push up position. the prob is its on a hot road! my palms were burnt. i think 2nd degree burn ah. we did like about 60 push ups. dat was really bad man. matahari nya pulak terus terus membakar badan kita. droplets of sweat fell from my head to my nose, when we recovered, the sweats went into my eyes. alamak, sakit mata aku dibuatnya. after the aftermath, my right palm ada blister the size of half of a 5 cent coin.

anyway, ari ni aku dpt keluar camp sebab ada graduation day kat nyp. mak aku ikut sekali. i wore my cd uniform on stage. aku tgh baca the grad book and all the graduand names were there, ada beberapa budak yg aku kenal kat dlm seperti firman, fariezan and adian. sayangnya aku tak nampak dorang, man pulak tak dtg. aku rasa macam weird gitu, sebab many of the graduate MIT students aku tak kenal. nasib baiklah ada budak2 andayu yg sudi dtg ambik gambar dgn aku. at least dorang dpt makan free jugak kat NYP lounge. so untung jugak lah dorang. abih bila aku nak balik tu, aku nampak beberapa budak2 graduates ambik gambar dgn kawan2 kelas diorang. aku rasa mcm sedih gitu sebab aku tak dpt ambik gambar dgn kawan2 aku yg sama kelas dgn aku. most of them had their graduation day last year. but wats important is that the diploma is in my hands now.

Words from the guest of honour in the graduation day 2005 a guy named Glen from the Cisco Systems.

NYP stands for:
New-Now: IT technology always changes, so we have to keep up the knowledge. always keep updating yourself in IT
Yes: Yes i can do it. do not say no. say yes even though what you do seems dat it won't work.
Passion: u must have the passion to do IT. then u will succeed.