Afiqq Blog

03 January 2006

Rocket Balloon 1995

haaa... aku ada satu idea yg bodoh time aku primary skool. in fact time aku primary 6 waktu tu, tahun 1995, aku dah experiment it and it works. its actually a project called balloon rocket. i will blow the balloon, attached a straw on top, then the straw u put a string so as the balloon is realeased, it will travel folowing the string line.

then i try something else, that rocket balloon, i put a needle on the front of the balloon. then i attached another balloon at the end of the string, i put few bits of aluminium inside. so i released the rocket balloon, it travels all the way to the end, and the needle eventually poked at the stationary balloon and it exploded, releasing out the bits of aluminium. wow...

i tot i wanna try that if i were to have a birthday party or something. too bad i was too young to have a party and my family don't do parties.