Afiqq Blog

24 September 2008

Iftar Yang Terakhir?

i wanna say another thank you to heikal and family for the iftar invitation at his house. it was fun talking to his parents and knowing one other while having one of the best foods i ever had, though alot of food his mom have made and i possibly can't taste everything cos i was too full.

but i know heikal was dissappointed that's why most of time i was talking to his parents while he layan his food with a frown face. cos i was the only guest there. ala, faham2 aje lah yer, our members' been busy with their life and sometimes its hard to get our members together due to commitments.
i don't have alot of commitments, Alhamdulillah. life's been easy for me. nevermind lah, hari raya can meet, weddings also can meet, unless if there's someone we know are getting married. haven't heard any news yet so far.

15 September 2008

girls and malay costumes

i went to geylang bazaar yesterday with my sis. during our trip from bt panjang to geylang, we were disucssing, or should i say complaining about first day of raya of the past years, the colour combination of colours for the living room and what to wear for first day of raya.

basically first day of raya, my family will not go anywhere except the mosque of course. because we have our grandma, that's why all families will visit our house.
that means we gotta need food! alot of it!
10 whole chickens! about 4 kilos of prawns! woo! and on the table, not only we have kuih-muih, we also have pistachio nuts and even kek lapis, kek raisin... wow!
but this year, everything will have to cut down! anyway the food thingy, still under discussion. of course at the end of the day, nenek has to involve in this discussion cos she ain't gonna like the cutting down of food. biasalah, tak mau air muka jatuh. tak mau orang fikir yg kita pelokek. ni lah orang jawa.

i went to joo chiat complex and i saw my baju kurung of last 2 years, with a price of $58! its a normal telok belange, plain dull pink colour, with no patterns. last 2 years i bought it for $25. what the hell!
i've heard people say that, some old2 baju kurung they still charge high price especially during the fasting month. very dangerous. like what i blogged last fasting month, why buy an expensive baju kurung when you can buy a nice topshop tee, or even a nice pair of jeans from john little! cos you ain't gonna wear your baju kurung most of the time except when you go out with your friends for jalan raya.
for girls, no choice. they have to look good. cos they are the centre of attraction during hari raya. yeah :D]
baju kurung or kebaya, the girls surely look good in whatever malay costumes they wear regardless of patterns and colours and laces and all those tiny bits of beads and other small and shiny stuffs on their suits. fat girls will look slim in kebaya, slutty faced girls will look innocent malay girl from kampung java if they wear baju kurung. oh yeah! hehhe.

08 September 2008

ikea gerek!



why is it that whenever you visit Ikea, suddenly you have so many ideas of making your room a better place.
ideas like colours of the walls, the placements of the furnitures, the organization of the garbage that you need to place etc.
i got my white boxes at Ikea for my gerobok thats grey with black linings in colour.
but be careful when you go to Ikea, they got quite a number of very nice looking stuffs, which most probably you don't need but its because your brains are runing wild with ideas that you think those stuffs are nice to be placed at special areas of your room or living room but after you buy, it ends up into your storeroom. ya. been there.

so anyway, one week of ramadhan has passed, have not yet went ot geylang serai, most probably the second week. heard there's more bazaar, especially near the singpost building.
i had a performance at soka association at telok blangah. me and my colleague were invited to play a song for their friendship day. had an original song about peace. i also had to help out with the kids that had to do dikir barat for the song, dikir puteri, very cute lah, their mothers, cos they had to dance malay dance. hehe!
been a long time since i perform on stage. i got nervous and then got a bit salah when i sang the very first verse. but after that i smiled and continued while the audience stayed on watching us.

01 September 2008

Puasa 2008

this is it!
fasting month is here again! Woohoo!
why is it that i think fasting month is better than other months including hari raya:
-lepak and play arcade with friends after solat terawih,
-can go eat together with friends,
-can go shopping for hari raya together with friends,
-the only best time to clean up my room and maybe the whole house
dengan diiringi lagu2 raya yg pasti membuat kita lebih semangat untuk mengemas rumah!
-the only month that i think my whole family members can actually sit together in one table, having our sahur while having conversations, share problems and some gossips from the workplace, discussing about issues like family stuffs or even political stuffs, despite being very sleepy though. :)

that's why the month of ramadhan is the best. of course i don't forget about ibadah. in fact doing ibadah during the fasting month is very easy. cos all the satans kena tied up. thats why its a great month.