Afiqq Blog

28 June 2007

Rock Also Can Cry OK!

i'm selling this CD at eBay Singapore and really hope for you to go check it out especially for those who loves malay rock ballads from Wings like 'Taman Rashidah Utama', 'Sejati' and so on. Come on, I'm sure you don't really get much from Limewire right? So i guess you gotta have this CD as part of your malay rock ballads collections. Siapa kata Rock tak boleh Nangis?!

Rock Ballads: Wings Best of The Best Hits 1988-2000

26 June 2007

Dream Job

my mozilla cannot play youtube videos. got a logo of quicktime that looks as if its being ripped. what happen man?

anyway, i'm getting fat, i'm gonna ORD and i still do not know what's my dream job. and i'm going cycling with my sister in a while. 1st july is coming and i can smell the $300 the government is giving me, its coming real soon.

and why the hell's Layar Andayu in freaking August? that's freaking late man, and hari raya is just a few months after that. i just cannot wait to go back to school and watch you little kids dancing and acting your ass out just like i did a few years back. man i miss you all! Indra Nila Kirana still my favourite though.

23 June 2007

Bad Resume

i didn't expect writing a resume to be quite difficult. and while doing my resume, i just realised that my grade point average for my diploma sucks big time, it was less than average. that means i don't deserve to get a diploma. but still i got it. Hwahaha!

oh yeah. you all boyfriends, make sure you don't bring your girlfriends out all the way till late nights. or else you will kena lecture by your girlfriends' mother then you know. somehow my sister's boyfriend brought her to Bt Batok with his friends to have a serious conversation about their relationship that had been cold lately. the problem is, why must it be at night? when i called my sister at 1am, she's still at Bt Batok with them still discussing! and that was not acceptable. the whole cannot sleep properly, waiting for her to come home. this is not the first time man. better don't do it again. and don't you dare said why i can, but you cannot.

19 June 2007

Antara Otah Melayu dan Otah Cina, Kita Jatuh Cinta...

Saturday's BBQ supposed to be a good well planned BBQ but we can never win God's powers for he brought heavy rain. my tent was not sparred as the rain sipped in the already old and nearly torn tent with the help of strong winds. had no choice but to stop the BBQ session.

but no matter, i would like to say thanks to my cousin, Aisha for marinating 3 flavours of chicken and a dozen of sambal ikan pari. oh yes, BBQ Wholesale Centre help ease the pain and cost too and their otah2 is absolutely delicious. just order from their website, they will call you for confirmation, then they will send to your desired place or you collect it from their office. Aku sudah jatuh cinta sama Premium Otah diorang yg hanya berharga 65 cents. tu yang belum masak lah, kau nak kena masak dulu, of course. besar tau.

what i learn from this BBQ is that, with a vehicle, your life is much easier. just put all the things in, and move on. when the BBQ ends, bring some leftovers, and go home. simple.

and also, this BBQ has been told one month earlier to our guests, but still some of them could not make it. quite upsetting.

12 June 2007

Sing and Scream

fiq sings...
then Fiq screams...
after that Fiq ermm... well ermm... yeah whatever it is
this is gay... totally...


it was an incredible night at Apollo Centre whereby we all were singing out loud, not just malay songs but also some old skool english evergreen and rock and roll. and what a scream by Nazrie and myself trying very hard to get to that high pitch of those really high pitch songs sung by Jamal Abdillah, Awie and Amy Search. but of course i think i sounded good. and Nazrie did impressively well. Firman sounded better with a few english evergreen rather than malay songs while Rahmat just sing along for most of the songs, as if he knew those songs long enough and also he got a low voice cos most of the songs he sang were all low pitch. Darny, wished you were with us that day.

06 June 2007

Jiranku Syaitan!

i wanna talk about jiran tetangga.
aku belajar yg jiran kita adalah saudara paling terdekat selain dari saudara-mara kita. sebab kalau ada apa2 yg terjadi pada kita, kita boleh mintak tolong dari jiran kerana mereka paling dekat. haa, part 'tolong' ni yang ada masalah.

imagine this scenario. jiran awak ketuk pintu awak nak mintak tolong. beliau kehabisan garam dan perlukan garam kerana dia sedang memasak dan tak sempat nak pergi kedai. kita dengan baik hati, kita pun bagilah semangkuk garam. kalau hari2 dia datang, bukan saja mintak garam, tapi kunyit, gula, halia, cili, susu, milo, oren jus pun si jiran mintak... haa macam mana?

lagi satu scenario, si jiran ni tak selalu ada orang di rumah dan budak2 bila balik dari sekolah, terpaksa bawak rumah kunci sendiri. jadi nak selamat, si jiran ni bagi kunci rumah bagi kita simpan. jadi tiap2 hari dalam pukul 1 petang, anak dia balik. ketuk rumah kita mintak kunci rumah. tiap2 hari ketuk pintu kita. lama2 jadi bingit dibuatnya, hari2 bunyi pintu diketuk setiap petang.

'Tolong' tu ada batasnya. janganlah jadi orang melayu bodoh, Bodoh. fikirlah betul2 adakah kita mintak tolong orang keterlaluan atau tidak sebelum nak mintak tolong.

keluarga aku ada jiran yg bermasalah sikit. dorang ingat hidup berjiran tu mesti kena tolong-menolong, sebab tulah dorang mintak tolong melebih2 seperti tolong simpankan kunci rumah, tolong jagakan anak yg masih sekolah kindergarten. tapi tu dulu lah. dorang dah tak kacau kita lagi, thanks to Nenek. waktu tu jiran tu mintak Nenek ajar mengaji untuk anak2 dia. Nenek aku menolak. terus jiran tu macam merajuk tak berbual lagi.

sebelumnya Mak aku pernah kasi warning kepada anak perempuan si jiran tu jangan berkawan dengan adik perempuan aku. sebab anak dia ni Minah Rep. sekarang dia dah pun kawin beranak satu. umur baru masuk 20an tahun.

kalau waktu maghrib, dorang karaoke. kita sembahyang. kalau waktu siang, dorang tidur, sampai anak2 dia ketuk gate pun mak dia tak dengar. yang kita pulak bukak lagu metal.

senang cakap kita dengan dorang ni macam dua dunia yg berbeza.

03 June 2007

Me = Panda

Do you have...

* difficulty waking up in the morning?
* inability to concentrate?
* falling asleep during classes?
* feelings of moodiness and even depression?

Try this...

* Sleep experts believe that exercising 5 or 6 hours before bedtime (in late afternoon) may actually help a person sleep.
* Don't drink beverages with caffeine, such as soda and coffee, after 4 PM. Nicotine is also a stimulant.
* Stay away from bright lights (including computer screens!)
* Try not to exercise right before bed, though, as it can raise your body temperature and wake you up.

For More Infos, visit:

Why Wak is Telling You This?

* i got caught sleeping during work time before, and it felt sucky getting caught red-handed.
* my eyes looked like Panda. and that's not cute.
* most of my subjects i took during my Poly years got grades of C and below due to last minute late night study.
* i actually disturbed my parents sleep due to noises from my keyboard while typing or having conversations and playing games with my siblings. (My room is badly not sound proof.)
* oh yeah, i also disturbed my Nenek's sleep because of the lights from my room and my sister's room. and also the noise too. cos she slept in the living room. so not my problem. her fault what, who asked her to sleep in the living room?

Lau Pa Sat Seafood OK-OK Lah

30 may 2007, Celebrating Lin's B'day. even though the place was crampy and very humid, but i enjoyed the dinner at Lau Pa Sat because the seafood were good. ikan pari, gong2, kerang etc and also, we ate together, sharing all the lauk-pauk together, that was satisfying. but what was more fun is the get together with the old-timers from SilatNYP at our memorable historic site, the Fat Bird. the jokes, the puji-pujian, the laughters, the smiles, terkenang zaman dulu2 bila kita bersama.