Afiqq Blog

28 November 2004

Jalan Raya 3

Went out with the Old Timers. started with West Coast, i was so delighted to see Nasi Lemak with sambal udang and sotong after i waited quite long for the other gangs to arrive. i was hungry, and no one ate their breakfast yet.

Saliefah's house was shifted to Boon Lay, Jurong Extension. i think dats what they called it i think. the problem is, its kinda far lah. but the main problem is we guys had to wait for the girls in the room doing their facial make up. Woooo.... hehehe, then came Yati and Rowena, waah, long time never see them sia!

went to the ex-President's house for 3 times this hari raya!!!!! what the hell! and all 3 visits, her mom cook such great food. it was lontong that day, felt just like hari raya pertama.

in my house, i turn on Metallica's concert on VCD. yati said that my house served the best drinks she had ever had, air jarang with ice. yelah, many houses served sweet drinks rite, dats why i made ice water to clean off the sweetness in their belly.

yati and rowena went off while we continue our journey to Hisham Zain's open house, oh yeah, nasi beriyani dok! then we visit Kak Peah's house, her daughter still very young, kinda cute though. well, long time never see little babies ah.

it was somehow the transport timing that made our journey late and 2 other gangs had to go home, cannot continue to the East side. the rest of us, find a way to get the fastest way to get to the last MRT train. By 11.15pm, berangkat dari rumah orang East, get a cab, get into the last train. we actually made it, the last train was supposed to be 11.30 but it was 11.38 instead. the cab driver asked us to wear seatbelts because he'll be going into turbo mode after we said that we wanna catch the last train. well, we almost hit the road curb! hehehehe. it was a great jalan raya, kinda adventurous too! ;-)

26 November 2004

I Finish School, finally!!!

1 B+, 2 B, 7 C+, 4 C, 6 D+, 14 D, 2 F

i got no As!!! with this kind of result, u think i can get a good job? my bro said gi kerja kutip sampah suah! heheh

i finish skool already, waiting for NS. this is so cool. Deferment finish on 31 Jan 2005, so maybe i go in around March, or maybe Feb i don't know. gonna miss you NYP friends whose still studying... heheheheheehehe

Jalan Raya 2

Jalan raya dari pukul 11 pagi sampai 11 mlm. Damn! tapi syiok, naik bas, boleh relaks, dapat byk rumah. i cancelled my house because i don't wanna miss the house in bt batok and there were not much time. some houses cooked great food, like roti john, mee laksa goreng, macroni goreng dan lain lain lagi.

but the best was rumah Hanisah, dia order pizza hut! long time never eat pizzas from pizza hut. the last time i ate at pizza hut was few years ago. but i think the pizza taste almost the same as the canadian pizza.

many of their houses, their walls had kayu-kayu. looks nice ah, but i'm sure its very costly.

oh yeah, i got $15! yes, duit raya dok! Wow... kaya dorang yg kasi ni eh, tapi bagus lah, kalau kaya, bagi duit sikit pada yg miskin, itu berkat, pahala lagi tau! oh yeah, tu duit nak kena bagi Heikal for the free shuttle bus.

MCG peeps, next year you all must go to my house ah. hopefully if i got money, i give you all good foods if you come to my house, hehehe!

23 November 2004

Jalan Raya 1

wooo! long time never blog! to all bloggers who read my blogs, sorry hor... for not updating.

i go jalan raya with my newly-made friends today. it was great because i can see their faces, because i only knew these people in the conference conversation in the phone. how do i knew them? well, my friends ajak bebual conference with these new friends, and so thats how we knew one another.

and also they were my first friends to come to my house. yeah! happy ah. last year, only one group of friends came to my house. my silat nyp members never come to my house for 3 years oi! so if you silat peeps free, come to my house lah yer.

should make hari raya open house like my friends. its good lah because if you jln raya, then your group can't come to your house, then they can come to your house other times, but must be an open house lah so that all of them WILL come! i missed hidayat/anwar's open house ah. sorry. ingat nak gi, tapi mcm malas, abih firman ajak aku gi main LAN-gaming. lame reason huh. hehe... don't worry. next year ada.

Alamak! missed my friends tarian shows! hope you all did your very best yah! Damn, i missed the Arab dance!!!

17 November 2004

Kena Tangkap Polis Di Hari Raya

dah lama aku tak blog. hari raya pertama gerek jugak lah. ramai datang rumah aku sebab nenek aku tinggal rumah aku, jadi sedara mara kena datang rumah aku. this year, adalah tahun yg pertama kita dan sedara mara tak main bunga api kat rumah aku. kerana kejadian tahun lepas punya hari raya, tak orang pun sebut pasal bunga api. nak tau ape jadi pasal kejadian last year peh hari raya?

Hari Raya Pertama, tahun 2003, aku, adik aku, nazri dan sepupu2 aku buat roket daripada bunga api. we bundle a few sticks together and cover it with cardboards. pastu, bakar lah!
aku ajak adik dan sepupu2 aku (all the guys, and i mean ALL!) kat tempat street soccer court, sebab its in the middle of the field, jadi tak kena rumah orang. while we were playing, suddenly 2 policemen came. we stopped. they asked us to stand by the side, this malay policeman marah2 kita. i can't remember already lah what he said. then came our fathers. the police asked us to cium tangan bapak kita dan mintak maaf. when i was about to salam tangan bapak aku, aku mula rasa sedu. aku pun menangis. yg paling malu sekali ialah, i was the only one whose crying!

at home kita berkumpul and i explain everything to them, pakcik2 and makcik2 semua. i remembered, i said that we all wanted to see if the rocket can fly or not. from this 'experiment' we learn that the force from the burning bunga api is needed to make the rocket fly. hahah! i was talking science! but then i felt like shit lah becos i was the oldest there. so im responsible for all this things that happened.

jadi begitulah ceritanya. teringat aku bila aku keluar jalan raya dgn budak ex-RA, aku ceritakan pasal kejadian ni, abih aku kena ketawakan sak sebab adik aku {Nisa} gi bilang yg aku nangis, sedangkan yg lain2 tu yg kecik2 tak nangis.

13 November 2004

Been Busy For Raya!

Been busy kemas rumah and other house works that you all should know lah. but i've been doing this thing that really makes me motivated to do that thing many2 times. What? hafal skrip? Hahahaha! no lah... i've been motivated to get the guitar chords for har raya songs.

most of the songs i use the usual lagu2 Melayu punya gitar format, Am - Dm - G - C etc.
but this one song, i was so happy to get most of the guitar chords, most of it sounds the same as the original one. Also, i got the solo too! yeah. lagu Cahaya Aidilfitri by BDB.

i'm going to tab out the solo and the chords, and if my mood is good, i'll share it, let u download it here.

Besok malam, malam raya. i'll gonna feel sad that it will be my last day that i'll be lepaking with Man in this malam raya. gonna play bunga api and make rockets. hope i'm not gonna get caught playing the illegal rocket-made by bunga api again like last year's raya.

Wak disini ingin meminta maaf kepada semua yg mengenali Wak, yg rapat maupun yg jauh, sekiranya terkasar bahasa, menyakitkan hati korang dan mengumpat mengenai korang, Wak mintak maaf banyak2, zahir dan juga batin. Sesungguhnya Wak tidak berniat nak sakitkan hati orang ataupun ingin menghancurkan atau merosakkan maruah dan martabat korang semua. Wak tidak lepas dari kesilapan, kerana itulah naluri seorang manusia. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilifitri...

08 November 2004

Sorry Budak2 Silat NYP

my previous blog i talked about jalan raya with budak2 silat nyp. and i said that i don't wanna go with a whole bunch of them but i wanna go sikit2 orang aje. so i chose a few of my close friends from silat nyp and i put it in the blog. somehow, that made some members unhappy. i realised that i should include other members that they think that i'm close to them.

of course all the silat nyp members from the first time i joined till the new batch of 2003 are close members of silat nyp. but some of them i treat them very close like nazrin, izad, wan, ed and suzi. thats why i put their names in there. but it was my mistake that i put the names like zila and haz cos these people were new members abih teringat nama2 dorang waktu aku buat blog tersebut. it was also my mistake that i didn't put the old2 members like anuar gegerl, bedah, nik fazly, fizah, aida, hanah etc.... aku tak teringat nama2 korang ni semua. im sorry guys for not putting you in. lagipun this is just my opinion from my heart. also, aku belum nak buat any arrangements for jalan raya. ni cuma aku punya idea aje.

about the jalan raya with the rest of the members of silat nyp, well, aku malas nak keluar dgn korang sebab i will be busy during the hari raya. lagipun aku dah di 'book' oleh budak2 dari pri and sec sch friends and also dari budak2 mcg-nyp. aku dah penat nak keluar jalan raya, unless aku keluar dgn budak2 yg aku dah lama tak jumpa atau yg tak pernah pergi rumah dorang. so aku mintak maaf ok.

korang pernah dengar kan blogs boleh merosakkan seseorang relationship dgn mataair atau kawan2 rapat kan? so if my blog makes your heart pain, i apologise. to me, i write blogs by not thinking what to write. i write blogs right on the spot punya. so kalau waktu aku rasa marah, nanti the blogs will sound angry even though i was talking about nice things which of course mostly i don't write something nice. i always talk about negative things. also, masalah aku ni, aku tak pandai nak censored2 apa yg aku cakap dan fikir. aku main hembus aje. so kalau hati2 kamu tersinggung dgn perbuatan aku atau dgn kata2 aku, aku mintak maaf. serious, aku tak berniat pun nak menyakitkan hati orang2.

06 November 2004

Ramadhan: So Special...

Its the 22nd of Ramadhan. Suddenly i felt Hari Raya is coming very fast. and ramadhan is leaving very fast too. i think i felt what Firman felt. he's sad that Ramadhan is leaving very fast. for me, why i'm gonna feel sad is because ramadhan is the only time i can lepak2 with my friends while eating dinner together either at Geylang or any other place right after Terawih prayers. its also the time where you will feel energetic during the day because you're busy painting the walls, hanging the christmas lights (well thats what they call it actually), clean your rooms and help your mom make kuih! fun right! and that you can do all those for one month!

hari raya pun gerek jugak, but you're not going to celebrate hari raya for one month right? you only go out with friends and invite them to your house and then visit their houses and then taste their mothers' dishes till you really had bloated, and thats about it. usually we do dat in the first 2 weeks of hari raya.

So, dat is why Ramadhan is actually very special to me. in fact i had so much fun with my sister painting the living rooms, help our mother in the kitchen for break fast and we even played Grand Theft Auto together, Ramadhan telah mengeratkan silaturahim antara anggota keluarga ku. AlhamduLillah.

03 November 2004

Kerry or Bush? Hmm...

Who you think will win? Bush or Kerry? i dont' know. but if i were to vote, i'll vote for Bush. Cos i want him to finish his job in Iraq since he started it all. He knows the consequences of putting of americans in Iraq for the freedom of Iraq. 1000 plus died, many wounded. but the war must go on. they can't stop and went off. that is why Bush is needed to make sure that peace is achieve in Iraq.

But, what about the middle east conflict of Palestine and Israel? Palestine needs a new leader, stop the militants and suicide bombers and start discussing about the future face to face with the Israel government. Israeli forces must withdraw from Palestinian soils. then the US president must do something about these 2 so that there will be peace. anyway, the road map is not really good lah. its like East and West Germany like dat. so i hope they can find other ideas to stop the fights in middle east.

Hahah! saaaaap, macam real aje aku ni eh? ok ape. i got many infos in Time magazine. if u like true stories with full of dramas and emotions, read Time magazine.

01 November 2004

Woodlands Lama Kedai Kopi - 1 out of 5

finally get to eat (berbuka puasa) with the Deranged! (Darny and Firman) except Hafiz was not there lah. the eating place at Woodlands lama (the old woodlands interchange near the causeway) was not dat pack. saw one group of pakcik2 buka puasa quite early, i think they follow buka puasa timing at Borneo area. my laksa was expensive becos it included yong tau fu; 5 piece $2. Darn ate normal nasi goreng mama. the saddest meal was firman's. his malay fried mee was very small, kalau kasi satu kucing makan boleh kenyang punya. $3 siak!

there's this one stall inside the kedai kopi a woman was shouting, "Gado-gado!" and other malay dishes, hoping that customers will hear her cry and buy food there. i bought my laksa from the other stall and pass by her, hahaha!

oh yeah, if u hate going to go geylang because too packed, why not u come down at Woodlands Lama cos i saw one store selling alot of baju kurung. there are other stalls selling fake branded shirts and caps, saw one shop dat looks like 77th Street also, its near this big hawker centre, but below the hawker centre there got a few shops that i just mentioned.