Afiqq Blog

31 March 2008

A Friendly Futsal League

organising an event involving many people from different groups is very challenging. without the help of close friends and money, it will not be running smoothly.

for my opinion, with manpower it will make the event run smoothly. with money, it will make the event look good, smells good and taste good.

but the participants most also play apart for the event. when the organizer invite a participant for the event and the participant agrees to be there, he must be there. no last minute cancellations (unless if there's good reasons). if that happens, it will cripple the event even if it involves only one participant not coming. if its an invitation, it means the event is exclusive. there's limitations for the number of participants being invited.

so hopefully for the next futsal game, i will learn from the flaws and hiccups happening last saturday's first futsal league and make sure the next one will be a better one. i cannot make an event very perfect unless i got alot of money cos money works.

while i'm the organiser, please don't ask me to do other things like asking me to take photo while i'm busy trying to get the payments from the teams. sorry about your handphone Kel. i was careless. i got so many things on my hands, holding the whiteboard and the money in one hand and holding a camera on the other. and sorry about what i said to you about me not responsible for the spoiled handphone that i accidentally dropped. i was very busy, that's why i have to use harsh words to stop the nonsense.

also, about this one team playing like as if they were going for the international east coast beach futsal league championship, which of cos it doesn't exist, well they pay for the event, maybe that's why the futsal league is competitive to them. "Bola aper..." that's why the next league game, there may be referees involve. sebab kalau melayu dgn melayu dah start marah, boleh jadi gaduh. haiz... melayu.

for the winning team, sorry there's no prize. my salary is not enough to buy presents or 'paying for the fees' as your fitst prize. i would love to do that if i'm rich enough.

hopefully blog readers who involved in the friendly futsal league, you all will be looking forward for the next one, hopefully in the late april. thank you very much for coming and hope you all had fun during the event. thank you once again.

24 March 2008

It Is Time To Change

there is a need to change. a change to get rid of the ruling party and bring in a new ruling party that do not only think about what the Man wants but what the Man needs.

the ruling party has been going circles just to give satisfaction and enjoyment for the Man. there is no future, except some money saving scheme and goals on money saving, the party just wanted to give the Man what he wants now. well yeah, the party did gave the Man what he wants but not much. instead the party now is giving debts. how nice, asshole!

in the end, the Man now feels something is wrong. right after satisfaction, it just ends there. and now the monetary department is going to be involved very soon. and that is not a good sign.

so the Man is thinking... of a change. a change in governance. new rules, new goals, new Man.

yup. its time to get rid of my ruling party and bring in a new party into my brain. so that i'm not gonna be feeling this sucky every time after work or before work, looking at my multiply and my frenster and my blog and my friend's blog.... just waiting for a nice comment from some nice people, waiting for friends to organize some activities, looking at my friends' photos in their multiply, waiting for a message to be replied after giving smiles to some people in frenster, oh it will never stop! it has been a routine sitting down in front of the computer and surf the internet since after the death of the popularity of the mirc and the birth of anakmelayu and friendster! well at least i stopped going online to msn messenger every nite. cos there's nothing there at nite!

wow... yeah. gotta get rid of all this. its time to change.

18 March 2008

Lagu2 Negro Ada Unsur Tak Baik

i watched Step up 2 that day, and after the show i went off, i realized there were alot of meLAYU. they all look like the same, like ****.
An kena tegur dengan pompuan kat belakangnya, disuruh jangan bergerak sangat sebab dia tak nampak. An too tall lah. kesian eh.

the problem is, i started to listen to perfect 10 nowadays just wanna hear those few songs played in the movie. damn! gotta stop that. gotta pin my ears with iron maiden if not i'll get drowned with black music. no not black metal. but black, negro, meLAYU favourite noise. ****.

long time never listen to perfect 10. long long time. used to listen to it alot during my early secondary school times. those were the 90s pop n RnB era. loved it.

there's too many agents nowadays in the class or group t-shirt making business. those agents usually they go get sales from any schools who wanted to do group shirts or class t-shirts, then they came to my company to get our printing services. agents we had to charge less, but the agents can get to sell to the customers as much as 200 percent! sometimes they even like to charge too much on the customers. so please, if you wanna t-shirts, go straight to us. cos we come straight from the warehouse of JTC whampoa drive. much cheaper than the agents are selling. how to know if they are agents? just ask them, where's his office. if his office is just an office, no printing machines or whatsoever, they're agents. our office got The Octopus machine that can print t-shirts up to 8 colours at one time. we also have heat press for transfer paper printing and number transfer for jerseys. even T-jet machine for a multi-coloured printing.

17 March 2008

After So Long Did Not Meet, They Talk Army Stuff

mimpi ni boleh buat kita terfikir balik lepas kita bangun. especially if the dream involves someone you know. just got a dream whereby i was at the bus stop near dhoby and i saw this girl i knew but i acted as if i didn't see her. we took the same bus maybe cos we both wanna go to school. then suddenly my leg kena kicked by my nenek and she "shouted" at me to go and solat subuh. thanks lah nenek.

she may be in my dream maybe cos i still felt guilty towards her cos of what i said behind her back last time. she was a nice girl except that she's attached. and i was an idiot, thinking that she had feelings for me just because we had quite a number of talks on the phone till late nights, when she actually just like me as a friend. cuma sedih aje kenapa aku ni tak tau nak jaga mulut aku.

anyway, itu cerita sudah lama terkubur. tak perlu nak dikorek lagi.
if you know who im talking about and if you're reading this, just wanna say have a happy life and sorry for what i did. peace.

ok enough of that.
step up 2 is crazy at the end! not great but good movie. its an inspirational movie. people who are down, we made them go up again by supporting them. like friends like family.

yesterday saw elfi. well elfi saw us first so while me and An were walking towards the EA Games exhibition at the marina square, elfi, from KFC sanggup lari kat kita and stand beside me and said, "Assalumaalaikum". jauh tu dari KFC tu the exhibition. he looks different thats why after about 2 seconds then i was like surprised that he's elfi. i told him that he looks thinner. the thing is he was thin last time right?! mepek eh. then of course An and elfi had a few Army conversation.

12 March 2008

Kat Ubin Takde Selamat

the malaysian election 2008 was the most interesting ever to be read this month. well i don't have to say much cos i'm sure all of you have read or trying to finish up your reading on this topic.

bapak aku cakap kalau pembangkang dah menang ni, abislah singapura nanti kena hentam. takkanlah sampai tu macam. alah, ruling party pun sama per, sesuka hati hentam kita. hentam2 kat singapura ni biasalah. kita belajar dari kesilapan pastu kita jadi makin maju. ok per.
sorry eh, bukan ape, korang hentam kita, mestilah kita terasa sakitnya.

amcam, mas selamat ada curi lu orang punya basikal ke, so dalam ke, kasut Adidas korang ke, takde? bagus. so far basikal aku masih intact, Alhamdulillah.

last weekend, i went to ubin with my friends for cycling around the ubin island but only half of ubin was covered and they looked shag. kesian dorang. its alright cos i understand they all been too long never ride a bicycle. in fact during our cycling trip, one of the bike spoilt after about hundreds of metres away from the shop and so we had to take turns carrying it back to have it change. let me give you all tips. if u wanna go ubin to cycle, after you reach there, don't just go straight to the first bike shop. go inside a bit more and you'll see better and shinier bikes. make sure choose a bike with really good gears. its ok if expensive cos you're in an island so must have good bikes. kalau tengah2 dunia bike rosak? tak seram? kalau kena kidnap dgn mas selamat tak takut?

i was bored this few days cos many of my friends have not updated their blogs for a long time! so i decided to read old posts from heikal's blog. don't know why cos i thought his blog is interesting. and it really was! it took me 3 days to finish up reading his 2004 posts. this guy really crazy. i mean basically crazy when in love. sampaikan kat dlm post boleh letak tu pompuan punya nama. ingatkan mungkin pompuan tu tak baca blog dia, skali in the post dia cakap yg dia ada sms url blog dia kat pompuan tu! hahaha! malunya aku! but of cos itu cerita lama lah kan. sorry lah aku cerca kau, bukan apa, interesting sangat pulak kau peh blog. and of cos i didn't realise that heikal and rafi and the rest of you all really very close sampaikan every saturday korang gi rumah heikal belajar ugama. lepas ugama, masuk bilik heikal, lepaskan isi hati bersama. fuuh baik.

ok, get ready for the botanic garden thingy yeah. taulah lagi lama. sape punya Bday eh on april, tu must check it out. kalau ramai, maka ramailah water bombs. hiahiahia!

07 March 2008

Go Public, Andayu

this is to the andayu members who read my blog.
what happen to andayu's blogspot? why is it being put for invited readers only?

other perbayu and mcg blogs from various schools like nyjc, ntu and rp are all public u know.

then if i wanna know when's the next Layar Andayu (all time favourites even though LA'07 was alittle bit too death metal), when's the gema puisi artistik if andayu's joining, when's the pesta peti putih if there is this year, when's the hari raya show and piala khatulistiwa, and lastly my favourite group, INK, dorang takde buat show kat mana2 ke? lama tak tengok dorang beraksi.

come on guys. i may be just one of the ex-andayu member, but i still support andayu ok. in fact andayu shows are the only shows thats free. (ok ni part salahkan sekolah.) pada andayu member yg baca aku punya blog, remember, nak buat t-shirt, call me alright. you design, we print! and the please go Public. Insyaallah...

anyway i googled gema puisi artistik 2008 and Google found nyjc's perbayu's blogspot posting the 2008 GPA post. it's on this saturday! crap man! i'm going to ubin this saturday. tapi yg herannya, all the participants are secondary schools only. weird.

oh yer, i want to know, got any competition for tarian dlm peringkat skola tak?

05 March 2008

Cos of Mas Selamat, I Can't Swim

mas selamat betul2 menyusahkan hidup aku lah.
cos of him, i had to cancel my swimming!

i took the bus from my workplace to woodlands, supposedly i should reach woodlands swimming complex at 8pm. but because of the jam from johor all the way to BKE, even before the exit to marsiling, i had to cancel my swimming session with my friends cos it was already 8.45pm when i reach the exit to marsiling. and the complex closed at 9pm.

ok what the hell is wrong with my hand phone bill. it showed $169.90 when i opened the letter yesterday. i did not pay for last month. I've got 2 overdue books still not return and its going to be a month now. so that means I'm going to owe the library $9 of fine. wow.... owe money! pay money woo!

at work, quite a number of stupidity and forgetful events happening, caused by me mostly. but at least i learn. hopefully.

at home, ....yeah. just fine. I'm starting to watch a movie every morning. in fact the 2 weekday morning i just watched bridget jones diary. not bad, very cute. gotta find some old movies to watch.

i just got to know a friend of mine, his girl broke up with him for another man. wow! girls nowadays, they're as bad as the guys now huh. very interesting. that's life.

business is good at my workplace for the end of February and early march. but too much until the workers had to do OT. not very healthy cos too much OT, will cost the workers to get MC. that means not enough manpower, and it'll slow down the production. not good. the good thing is, time past by so fast. i don't like to see my watch and it showed one more hour left to the end of work. I'll kinda stress up cos my work has not yet finished. until now i still have some more overdue artwork to finish up!