Afiqq Blog

27 June 2005

If 12 July Could Have Just Been A Joke

aku dpt ilham untuk tulis blog due to heikal's post, "If 9 June A Reality".

what if my NS which i have to go in on the 12 july was just a joke? like maybe, CMPB bagi salah date dan terpaksalah aku tunggu surat lagi, tak tau bila akan sampai...

if dat happens...

aku akan subscribe anakmelayu every month... if u noe what i mean ;)

aku akan masuk frendster and go to all my friends' friends list... if u noe what i mean ;)

aku akan bekerjasama dgn budak2 andayu yg lain untuk mencantikkan website andayu.

aku akan buat outing lebih2 sikit bersama budak2 andayu(malay cultural group NYP) dan budak2 aku.

aku akan lepak kat andayu peh club room kalau ezlink aku mencukupi

aku ada lebih masa untuk ber-dating dgn siapa2.

aku akan buat lebih perlawanan persahabatan bola sepak antara team andayu dgn team2 dari kelab2 lain.

Begitulah senarai2 bagi kegiatan2 seharian aku kalau aku tak masuk ns dan kena tunggu surat ns lagi... haiz....

hati aku berbelah bagi, satu kata nak masuk ns ASAP. yg satu kata teruskan libatkan diri dgn andayu.

21 June 2005

Managed to Finish Monopoly Game after 22 Years

Finally!!! for 22 years i've played monopoly for less than 10 times, never got to finish the game...till today. this morning, my sister made history by being the first family to win in the monopoly game as me and my brother were bankcrupt in the 3 player full monopoly game. my sis also made history by being the first family member to buy hotels on all the lands in two colored groups, red and green. seriously i tell you, its the first time i saw hotels in a monopoly game for 22 years of my life! wow... anyway after the game, we counted all my sister's money and assets according to the rule book, she had $8002 wow... oh yeah, anyway, we played the game according to the rules.
thanks to Aida, ex-president of MCG-NYP for lending me her Monopoly board game. thank you!

16 June 2005

Surat POSB - Death!!!

pukul 6.15am...mampos aku! surat POSB kat atas meja! aku cuba check kalau surat dah terbuka ke tidak... nampaknya tak terbuka.... hairan....aku rasa bapak aku dah tau ape kat dlmnya... dia nak aku rasa menyesal...

dlm surat tu menunjukkan all the events of my withdrawal and deposits of my money in the bank... mostly withdrawal!!!! arghh!!! matilah aku.... from $500 to $192... aduh.... teruk teruk....aku lupa nak update buku account aku sebab tu lah POSB antar surat kat aku.... kentut betul lah dorang! buat ape nak bagi kita tau! aduh... ape aku nak cakap dgn bapak aku nanti. ala.... aku mcm nak nangis ni....

haiz..... takpelah....

14 June 2005

club crawl 2005 - The Last n The Best

had a great time for club crawl 2005. in fact its going to be my last club crawl that i did a performance. the last times i did silat performances. but now, it my first time i did malay dance in front of the NYP students. so its an unforgettable nite for me.

the booth was actually wanted to make it like a kampung. instead, we did much more easier by making only the roof like a kampung. abih tu aku print the pictures untuk di letak kan ke poster untuk di tayangkan kpd budak2 baru.

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10 June 2005

dapur terbakar

oh yer, aku lupa nak bilang yg dapur aku hampir2 terbakar. actually memang pun terbakar, tapi apinya telah dipadam secepat mungkin

what happen was mak aku panas kuali kecil yg berisi minyak. sekali minyak memercik mungkin kerana ada air. sekali api timbul dari atas kuali tersebut. mak aku terpekik2 memanggil bapak aku. aku betul2 kat depan kejadian itu, baru nak masuk toilet nak mandi. jadi aku perhatikan saje, tak tau nak buat ape. sekali api tu menjadi besar dan membakar diatas, ia membakar yg benda kat atas tempat masak tu dimana benda tu biasa nya menyedut asap dari masakan. so kat atas tu pun terbakar.

bapak aku pun membuat tindakan yg cepat dgn membasahi kain buruk yg besar dan menyepak2 api kat atas hingga apinya terpadam. pastu bapak aku buang kain buruk tu kat dlm kuali kecil, dan api nya terpadam juga. aku dgn selemba masih berdiri kat depan berdiri betul di pintu toilet tersebut. bapak aku suruh aku ambik kipas sebab asapnya tebal dan harus ditiup keluar dari tingkap. dan dgn serta merta aku pun angkat kipas dari living room dan letak ke dlm dapur dan start kipasnya.

pastu aku pun gi mandi

05 June 2005

bday aishah kat bawah blok.

hari ni gi bawah blok aishah, kat bt batok dekat dgn street soccer court, celebrate birthday dia. macam orang kawin gitu kan. heheh. makanan best, bbq dok. nasib baik takde jiran yg talipon CD, komplen pasal berasap kape kan...

lagipun aku datang siang, sorang pulak tu. aku tgk takde kawan aku rounding2 basikal jap sampai ke bt panjang, sekali yana call dia dah sampai, aku turun dari basikal, naik bas ke sana balik. dapat kucing2 dia, kecik dan cute. dpt jugak ambik gambar kucing tersebut.

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new project = mcgnyp website

im very busy...doing a website for mcg nyp. this time, im gonna do it with much passion. make sure this time, it looks better than ever, dats y rite now i've been doing some prototype of the website...

oh yeah, i found a very old mcg nyp website! classic dok! its the mcgNYP of 1999! go check it out... oh yeah, do u knoe mcg nyp dat time got kompang group!? damn!

03 June 2005

all boys dance

i hate writing about me feeling weird all the time, cos i was about to write how weird i'm feeling rite now.
u see, i dun wan that something but somehow, deep inside i want it.

ok lets go to a better topic to talk about.

its been quite a long time since i practice joget. can't wait for the show. the guys were very enthusiastic. we had our 'all boys' practice that wednesday after our drama practice. too bad, farhan was not there or else we got the whole boys jamming away the malay beats! well since heikal is so called confirmed that hes not going to ns on the 9 june, might as well he joined us for the joget. so we got up, put up the song in the mp3 player and we move baby! oh yeah! we practice for like a few times and help one another to see if our steps were stupid and together we tried to perfect our moves. oh thanks to farhana for helping out on pressing the 'play' button of the mp3 player even though she ended up got physoed by the malay beats and our moves and danced with us. hehehe!

a few days ago i bake a chocolate cake together with my sis. damn, can't share with my friends cos we bake a small cake. hopefully i can bake it again. the taste was absolutely marvelous. even though rasa muak, tapi sedap nya macam kat kedai cake dok!