Afiqq Blog

29 April 2007

I Dunnoe How To 'Keng' MC

i was late for some Prize Presentation at CDA. everyone was at the parade square getting ready for the rehearsal on the commands. i quickly ran inside the parade square and got in line. after the rehearsals, the Director came and the sergeant major shouted 'Sedia' and we were all in Sedia position. after the Director walk around for checking of the 'Baris' the prize presentation then started.

first was the Long Service Award then the Excellence Award. When the announcer announced for the Perfect Attendance Award, my heart started pumping very fast. but i was surprised that the announcer didn't call out my name.

After everything ended, i went into the Admin Office and was ushered to the Major of Admin Office as the prize winner latecomer. he gave me a gift and a certificate. i asked him, "Sir, no cash voucher?" and he answered, "you got the gift and you want cash voucher some more, Basket!"
"Joking only sir, hehehe," i smiled. Kepala Hotak Kau lah Major.

i got this gift and a certificate for Perfect Attendance Award, for working in a year without having Medical Leave or MC.

23 April 2007

GOAL '24

to all of you who wished me 'happy birthday' using SMS, thank you very much.

i would like to thank my mother for giving me a birthday gift or should i say birthday Cash, to buy for myself a Broadband Router because my old router with a built in ADSL modem is spoiled.

i also wanna thank all guests who came for the BBQ celebrating my birthday and Firman's birthday. Some who did not attend, its alright, i understand your situation. maybe next time we can make again alright? Jangan takut, East Coast tak lari beb. Yang patut kita takut bila kawan2 kita yg lari.

ok so since my birth day has just passed, i think i should have some kind of resolution for the year of 24. i must have goals in life. i believe its good to have goals in life. maksud aku, aku rasa aku patut bukak lembaran baru untuk hari2 akan datang dalam kehidupan aku yg sekarang telah pun berumur 24 tahun.

i will call it GOAL '24
-After NS, i must get a job fast. bila ada peluang, terus ambik.

-I want my existing rock band to move forward because right now our band are not even crawling forward. but the only thing i can do right now is practicing the songs we're playing for now.

-Get my bass guitar repaired as soon as possible. I'm sick of practicing using my guitar Kapok.

-Self-learning and self-study to upgrade my skills in IT, especially networking.

-I think I'm ready to get a girlfriend. of course that's the last in my GOAL '24 list.

ok i got to get to sleep. eh... wait.... i think i need to put in another thing in my GOAL '24 list.

-I must live a healthy lifestyle. seriously. I need to start jogging.

ok lah enough of all this step-nak-kasi-orang-tau blogging. Selamat.

21 April 2007

Sabda Alam

Cara mata dia tengok kat arah lain dan bukan kat camera yg buat dia nampak sungguh hot! beliau telah menambat hati ku. dengan gaya nya yang bersahaja, tak perlu nak joget-joget, goyang-goyang bahu dia aje sudah cukup untuk membuat badan aku menggigil sedikit.

apatah lagi lagu nya yang sungguh sedap nak mampos!

White Shoes and The Couples Company - Sabda Alam

19 April 2007

Nak Bunuh Diri Pasal Matair SpeSial

aku nak ceritakan korang bloggers pasal ni budak. dia suka pakai talipon kat tempat ops room aku. maklumlah free. boleh talipon luar. aku tak suka tengok muka dia sebab dia ada muka ciri mat rep. lagi satu aku bukan kawan dia, tak pernah berbual dengan dia, tiba2 dia peh suka masuk ops room pakai talipon. kerana tulah aku bencikan dia.

dia pakai talipon selalu call matair dia. tapi dia peh suara walau pelan aku boleh dengar. dia peh lembut berbual dgn matair dia macam mak nyah! "Sayang, sayang tengah buat apa? kenapa sayang lambat angkat talipon?" Sakit telinga aku terpaksa mendengarnya! kalau dia pakai talipon aku selalu bagi muka yg satu macam peh sial.

one day, aku dapat tau yg dia nak bunuh diri, kena tangkap police for attempted suicide. nasib baik jugak police report tu fax kat ops room aku, jadi aku boleh baca. dapat tau yg dia gi potong dia peh wrist, leher dan pipi dia pun ada calar. aku pun tak tau lah apa akan terjadi pada dia. suspect dia cuba nak bunuh diri pasal matair dia.

sekali semalam aku dapat tau yg dia dah keluar, abih tu dia kena buat guard duty itu malam. alamak! bingit betullah, aku baru pergi toilet, bila aku balik aku nampak dia kat dalam ops room, duduk kat tempat duduk aku sambil berbual dgn partner aku yg Mat Rep macam dia jugak. lepas dia pakai talipon, dia pun belah, si partner aku ni pun ceritakan aku. Si mamat ni sebenarnya ada matair yg luar biasa. matair dia Jantan, tapi dia peh adik dah kena potong! dah jadi betina lah kira. Mampos!!!! aku tak dapat bayangkan bila dia berbual dengan kekata 'sayang' di dalam talipon free tu. Berbual dengan Ex-Jantan lagi!!! Jijik Na'uZubillah!!!!!

18 April 2007

Ronald! You Shrink my Fish Burger, Asshole!

MacDonald's cheat me! i was about to eat my all time favorite burger, Fillet-O-Fish, when i realized the burger was small. somehow i can remember the size of the burger and that is why i know MacDonald's have shrinked Fillet-O-Fish. not just that. the Big Mac beef patty looked thinner than last time. bloody hell! even the Fillet-O-Fish' patty were not soft, its too crunchy. no wonder Fillet-O-Fish were put into a box not like last time where they wrapped it with the paper wrapper so that people don't know if the burger is small or big.

You suck, MacDonald's!!!!

15 April 2007

Teater Dibuat Sekolah lagi Murah Tiketnya

sebenarnya semalam aku tengok tv channel Suria ada satu certia ni cakap pasal Bangsawan. dulu2 orang melayu suka tengok teater Bangsawan, tu pun pada waktu tv dan filem belum masuk kacau daun. bila filem melayu muncul, Bangsawan makin lama makin tak popular lagi.

selepas itu dalam lewat 70an dan 80an kalau tak silap, teater melayu jadi popular. mungkin sebab ada perubahan dalam teater yang berunsurkan kemodenan hidup seharian kita pada waktu itu sebab tu masyarakat melayu ramai pergi tengok. atau mungkin dulu cerita2 kat wayang

bila dah masuk 90an sehinggalah sekarang, teater melayu merosot pulak. yang ni aku rasa sebab masyarakat melayu dah bosan dengan konsep teater melayu sekarang ni yg tak ubah2 sejak teater melayu menjadi popular pada tahun 80an tu. mungkin teater melayu perlu perubahan baru?

actually bukan pasal perubahan, bukan pasal teater melayu dah tak interesting lagi atau bukannya dorang dah tak ada idea nak buat cerita2 lagi. tetapi marketing strategy! adakah kerana orang melayu tak banyak ahli2 marketer untuk me'market'kan teater melayu secara profesional? mustahil. aku ada jugak kawan2 melayu yg belajar bisnes, tak ramai tapi ada jugak. lagipun orang bukan melayu pun boleh jugak tolong apa, tak semestinya kena orang melayu.

abih, kerana duit? haaa... kalau bab duit ni, aku no komen.

atau... kerana orang melayu yg bergiat dalam teater ni semuanya sombong2, action pandai dan macam paham? dorang tak perlukan pertolongan sesiapa, dorang rasa words of mouth dapat sebarkan mengenai persembahan mereka seterusnya?

aku ni memang minat tengok teater. lagi2 teater melayu sebab suasananya berlainan dengan tengok wayang. tapi macam susah gitu nak cari tarihk2 persembahan di internet mahupun di suratkhabar, unless kalau teater tersebut kasi advertise heavy2 punya. tapi tu bermakna tiket gerenti maheeel. aku ni Haji Bakhil sikit. kalau tiketnya dah mencecah $10 aku menggigil sikit. maklumlah belum ada kerja tetap lagi, waktu tu masih bersekolah dan sekarang masih NS. entahlah bila nak game NS aku ni.haiz.

jadi opinion aku, kalau nak kasi masyarakat melayu tahu pasal persembahan2 terbaru, sebar2kan lah kat suratkhabar, kalau ada lebih rezeki, letak kat TV, atau yg paling murah dan free, advertise lah kat internet. dan lagi satu, biarlah tiketnya berpatutan. oh lagi satu, informasi persembahan mesti mahu lengkap, lagi bagus letak nombor perkhidmatan bas yg dapat pergi ke tempat teater tersebut. haa! yang sekolah2 pun samalah! lebih2kan advertise sebab aku pun suka tengok teater yg dibuat dari sekolah2 seperti poly2 dan institusi2 tinggi.

08 April 2007

One KG of Chicken Wings only $4.80?!

tadi aku ikut mak bapak aku pergi Clementi sarapan kat sana. lepas tu kita pergi pasar basah nak beli apa yang patut nak dibeli. sekali aku fikir apa salahnya bagi beberapa informasi yang aku dapat bila pergi ke pasar.

info ini berdasarkan harga2 yang patut korang semua tahu bila nak pergi pasar. Lain pasar mungkin lain harganya. Yalah mana lah tau korang terasa ingin menjadi anak yg rajin, insaf tak mahu sakitkan hati mak lagi, ingin ringankan beban mak korang, ingin menjadi isteri mithali kepada suami tersayang atau pasangan muda yg baru bernikah secara terpaksa...

ikan. tak kira lah ikan apa, kalau sekilo 4 dolar dan ke bawah kira murah lah tu. tapi kalau 5 dolar keatas, tu kira ikan mahal. unless korang nak makan ikan2 yg sepower ikan Jepun lah.

kalau sotong pulak, sekilo $4 atau $3.50 biasanya. kalau sotong tu dalam ada dia peh telur, mungkin harga ada up sikit, $5 sekilo gitu.

udang laut pulak, harga biasa $7 hingga $9 sekilo. tapi kalau korang nampak udang yg harganya $5 sekilo, jangan beli tau. tu udang kolam punya. tak syiok. tak tau lah apa yg tak syiok sebab bapak aku kata tak syiok.

last but no least ketam. sekilo kira dalam 4 atau 5 ekor ketam gitu, $7.

oh tak lupa juga, ayam kepak sekilo, biasanya dalam 20 kepak, harga $4.80. lebih murah dari supermarket!

06 April 2007

A Mat Rep is...

Do you know what's a Mat Rep?

a Mat Rep is someone who talks alot of crap such as changing a story he heard from someone else.

a Mat Rep is someone who talks big as if his world is his.

a Mat Rep is someone who could not use his brains, either because he's not used to or he's just lazy.

a Mat Rep is someone who has this 'special' facial expressions or facial figure where if we look at it, our fists will be trembling and felt like throwing a few punches on his face.

a Mat Rep is someone who always copies other peoples' catchy swearing words or swearing phrase.

i think one day i want to record voices from a Mat Rep so i can write some of the normal phrase a Mat Rep would use.

02 April 2007

Hello My Malay non-IT Educated Friends! Need Help with PC Probs?

i realise some of my friends always got problems with slow computers. one of them is Aisha who always asking me why her computer is very slow. if any of my friends out there (from Andayu, Silat or NYP) i'm willing to help you all out, virtually. one way is for you to download this software called HijackThis.
This tool can generate a report listing all the browser add-ons and startup programs installed on your system. that report, you give it to me via email or msn messenger so i can check out what's wrong with your computer. actaully these thing had long been done by other people in many IT related forums to help people on their PC problems. but this so called free help service is specially for my friends who actually read my blog and friends whom i knew.