Afiqq Blog

29 March 2005

Makan Stuffed Crust Pizza 4 the 1st Time!!!

You are a Chicken Supreme Pizza!
Be it spicy, roasted or ham, you love them all! Just like your attitude towards friends, you accept and love your friends for who they are. You are also faithful to your family and friends; someone who can be trusted and depended on. One bite into this pizza and you'll love it for life!

Which type of Supreme Pizza are you?
Brought to you by Pizza Hut

Monday morning i got nothing to do so dats y aku cadang nak ikut mak bapak aku gi johor. we went off morning2 around 7am. had breakfast at Banquet Bt Panjang before going off to the bus stop to take bus 170.

sampai ke Larkin Bus Interchange kita naik bus Transit Link Johor untuk pergi ke Angsana Shopping Centre. if take taxi may cost around RM8 or even RM10! dat if kena ketuk dgn oang meysia. tapi naik bus cuma RM1.40 seorang, murah. tapi kalau tak pandai mana nak turun, boleh tanya driver, dia boleh tolong.

sampai kat bus stop near Angsana, kita jalan menuju ke Angsana SC, we stopped near local shops that sells barang dapur dan keperluan rumah. waah! byk barang2 yg kes lama2 jugak lah. especially mainan2 nya. teringat aku zaman aku masih kecik, suruh nenek aku belikan aku kereta mainan kat pasar West Coast. hehe!

sampai kat Angsana terlalu awal, baru 10am. kedai byk blum bukak, so kita makan lah breakfast lagi tempat makan luar Angsana tu. pastu, kita jalan2 kat Angsana SC. bila kat kedai jual buku2 agama, lama pulak bapak dan mak aku kat dlm, aku tunggulah kat luar, sambil dgr ceramah yg dimainkan dari kaset yg dimainkan kat kedai tersebut. rupa-rupanya wujud jugak Ayat Seribu Dinar! sebab teringat pasal firman punya joke mengenai Jesus Last Supper. hehehehe!!!!!

dah masuk waktu noon, kita gi makan kat Pizza Hut! fuyoooh sungguhlah gembira aku dibuatnya, dah lama seh tak gi pizza hut. aku pun mintak meal set yg boleh mintak 2 regular pizza. kerana aku teringin sangat apakah rasanya Stuff Crust, aku pun mintak lah 2 stuff crust(dlm cheese) hawaiian supreme dgn super supreme. oh yer, perempuan yg serve kita kat sana pizza hut tu, cute lah, dia punya cute eh macam penyanyi Indon, Rossa, yg mendendangkan lagu hits, Kini. beliau memakai tudung ala meysia. dgn kelembutannya dan senyumannya melayan kita, aku terus terpegun. aku tersipu-sipu malu setiap kali dia datang menghampiri meja kita, especially untuk membagi bowl dan chilli sauce.

bila pizza tu datang, aku terperanjat dgn size kecil pizza tersebut. "oooh macam gini eh Regular size," aku berkata. aku pun gigit crust nya. waah, boleh tahan cheese yg dlm crust. finally! dapat jugak rasa stuff crust! yessah!

pastu kita nak cuba ice cream nya. aku malu nak panggil perempuan tu, so aku suruh bapak aku ajer panggil kan. malulah dok. kita mintak satu scoop ice cream, satu strawberry, lagi satu coklat. fulamak! aku tak pernah makan ice cream yg tu mcm peh sedap lah. dia punya rasa betul2 coklat! strawberry nya pun sama! sungguh rasa macam strawberry! memang tak mcm ice cream2 murah yg boleh kita dpt kat supermarket tu. tapi dia peh sikit, Na'u zubillah!

lepas makan, kita singgah ke surau jap. dah abis solat tu, mak aku katakan padaku yg si perempuan yg serve kita tu pun sembahyang tadi kat surau. aku pun mulalah terbayang2 benda2 yg jauh sekali aku bayangkan, ehehehehe! nasib baik lah aku sempat mengukirkan senyuman padanya selepas kita keluar dari Pizza Hut Angsana SC sebelum gi solat. kasi perempuan tu ingatkan aku gitulah kan! hahaha! tak tau malu! oh yeah the whole price was RM61.64 amcam? murah? murah aper. aku tadi check pricing singapore untuk stuff crust Regular. mak kau! almost sama price! S$22.90 and meysia punya RM23 tapi meysia punya lagi murah dok! Siul betul!

pastu kita pun balik ke bandaraya johor naik bus. waktu dlm perjalanan tu aku ternampak satu iklan besar ni, "Danga Bay - Festive Celebrations on The Bay" its near the beaches of johor. depannya laut tu adalah Singapura. hmm, entah2 dorang nak buat macam Esplanade ke tempat tu?

sampai ke bandaraya, kita gi City Square, kat sana aku nak cari baju, tapi takde yg berkenan. pattern2 lama lah dorang jual kat sana. kita pun singgah ke Komtar, bapak aku berkata, "barang ni kat luar tadi harga RM10 tapi kat sini kau tgk, RM12. nampak sah nak ketuk orang singapura. sebab tulah orang singapura ni memang bodoh. gi heboh2kan cakap barang2 johor murah. haa tengok sekarang, barang semua dah naik harga." aku tak tau ape barang yg bapak aku maksudkan, tapi dgn kata2 bapak aku yg sungguh pedas tu, aku sungguh mengerti sekali.

ku beli baju putih kat Komtar, tapi aku rasa macam tak puas hati gitu. tapi takpelah dah beli pun. lepas tu, kita pun berangkat ke checkpoint johor dgn berjalan kaki. Komtar dgn checkpoint johor memang dekat. oh yer aku ada ternampak satu building yg sedang dibina yg terletaknya tak berapa jauh dari City Square. aku dapat pasti kalau building tu shopping centre, siaplah kau, City Square.

we went home, taking 170 n stop near Bt panjang lrt before heading home straight by lrt.

25 March 2005

Basikal Chain Terlepas!!!!

yesterday i was awaken by Farhan's call. he wanted to go to Johor. Dengan tergesa-gesa aku bergegas bangun dari tempat tidurku dan maju ke bilik air. after meeting Farhan at Woodlands Int, we took 950. i asked him no one else followed, he said nope.

sampai ke checkpoint johor, we bought cigarrettes, 2 Perilley's and 1 Marlboro Red. we do not know where else to go so aku cadang kita naik 950 abis sampai ke Kotaraya.

so we had a drink near the kopi tiam, and then we took the bus and went off. the surroundings in Johor Bahru are a little bit different. More beautiful, less dirty. Bagus lah.

sampai kat Kotaraya Bas Sentral, we walk to Kotaraya SC. went there, nothing inside. we tought wanna eat lah, sekali An nampak Food Junction punya signage at one of the building. so we went to that building. to my amazement, the building was actually City Square. so we went inside, and Wow! macam Singapore lah!

kat level one aje, An kata dah macam Paragon. We went to this part of City Square called cyberzone, it really looks like the Heeren!!! yg tingkat 3 tu, tau kan?

then kita pun duduk beli makan kat food junction. Fulamak! it was a mixture of West Mall and Causeway Point punya tempat makan dok! Serius!

i bought Kuay Teow Goreng RM3 ajer, murah. cos i only got about RM4+ dat day. An beli Claypot.

then kita shopping sikit, An beli gelang tangan dgn satu cenderahati gelang untuk kawan rapatnya.

then kita gi duduk kat city square kat luar tu. sekali ada omputih couple yg dah tua ni, datang kat kita, bertanya macam mana nak pergi Singapore. kita cakap kita tak tau sebab kita pun dari Singapore. so aku pun bilang dia gi Kotaraya Bas Sentral untuk ambik bus no 950 untuk pergi ke Singapore. but nak jalan tu ada masalah sikit. i hope they can get to the place lah.

so lepas jalan2 lagi kat City Square, kita pun jalan balik ke bas Sentral. Aku dapat tau bahawa tempat nya memang jauh dok! kesian pulak omputih tu.

kat dlm bas, road jam. sekali An tunjukkan aku yg building yg dia nampak macam City Square. i was like Fuck!!!!!
dekat nya City Square dgn checkpoint Johor! patutlah waktu aku jalan kat situ, aku rasa macam pernah jalan kaki gi City Square dulu, instead of taking bus. Even An macam tak percaya yg aku jalan ke City Square dari checkpoint. sekali memang betul lah dok!

Tapi An kata, "takpe sekarang kita dah tau, so senang sikit."

balik ke woodlands lama, lepak jap dgn kawan2 aku. pastu aku balik ke BP Plaza nak ambik basikal aku. sekali ada beberapa budak2 melayu ni around my bicycle, satu budak ni duduk kat basikal aku. aku datang menghampiri mereka, mereka rasa bersalah dan meminta maaf, dan mengatakan my bicycle tak rosak punya, Dont worry....yeah Right!!!!!!

aku kayuh basikal tu tak terkayuh pun! sekali tak jauh dari dorang, aku chk basikal aku, dia peh chain terlepas dari pedal lah! aku cuba masukkan chain tu, tapi macam susah. dah lah aku kat tgh2 orang lalu lalang, so aku letak kat tepi. aku tak tengok langsung pun kat budak2 melayu tadi. aku cuba sedaya upaya untuk masukkan chain tu. dapat tau, gear aku senget sebab bila aku cuba kayuh, chain nya terlepas. sial betul.... so i had to change the gear in such a way the chain tak akan terlepas bila dikayuh. so bila dah buat tu selama 10min, aku pun kayuh balik ke rumah dgn tangan aku yg abis hitam kena minyak chain tu. bila sambil kayuh tu aku sedang marah.

tapi aku tetap keraskan diri aku untuk memaafkan mereka sebab dosa terhadap Tuhan, kena minta maaf dgn Tuhan, tapi dosa terhadap manusia, kena minta maaf dgn manusia. waktu aku tgh pasang chain tu, takde satu orang pun yg datang menghampiri aku untuk meminta maaf sebab basikal aku actually Rosak! so dosa mereka terhadap aku masih On lagi. jadi untuk mengelakkan beliau dimakan Neraka, aku maafkan mereka walaupun mereka tak ada disitu untuk meminta maaf dgn aku.

so korang yg baca blog aku ni patut bersikap begitu, jadi kita manusia sama2 masuk Syurga. kan bagus macam tu.

24 March 2005

begitulah cara aku tengok monitor screen aku. bila adik aku ambik gambar ni, aku terperanjat betapa teruknya aku kerana body posture aku tu macam. i look at the monitor screen too near! don't you think so? man...scary... Posted by Hello

Cold Beer in a Big Gulp?!

yesterday, after my subuh prayers, i went back to sleep. then i dreamt.

not dat exciting lah but i just wanna tell you. i dreamt i was at 7-11 and i saw this new advertisement. it says dat now you can fill your Big Gulp with cold beer for $2.95!!! hahaha!!!

and while i was filling my Big Gulp with coke or lemon tea, i put in a new drink that they offer, Vitagen! hahha! Vitagen in a Big Gulp?! Damn!

then i brought my big gulp to my sister where she sits near a tree, and we saw a few cats. then this one cat was resting near us. so i was like playing with it, the cat was very manja lah. cute ah. den suddenly i woke up, my nenek bising2 cakap suruh bangun sebab dia nak sapu rumah. argh!

22 March 2005

Rewang zaman 70s - 'Rewang Boleh, Tapi Rokok Mesti Mau Ada lah!'

tadi pakcik 'highlander' dan isterinya datang ke rumah aku around evening... pastu dia kata nanti maghrib ada tahlil...alamak, aku nak tengok the fellowship of the ring sebab aku blum dapat tgk that movie, the other 2 movies dah tengok.

lepas maghrib tu, kita pun start tahlil waktu tu, dia kata nak berbual sikit sebelum nak start. dia kata pada aku depan nenek aku dan keluarga aku,

"bila nenek dah takde, pak long takde, ady(bapak aku dat is) dan mak dah takde, abg(dats me) yg paling tua dari sepupu2 yg lain yg akan menggantikan pak long kat sini, kumpulkan keluarga2 kita dan baca tahlil bersama untuk merapatkan tali kekeluargaan kita, boleh tak?"

aku kata, "boleh, InsyaAllah"

oook... well, i dun mind of cos but niat belum ada lagi. InsyaAllah, i will change, one day.

oh yer, after solat isyak, kita makan ramai2. then we were talking about rewang kat majlis perkahwinan, then pak long pun ceritakan zaman dia gi rewang. dulu, orang mintak budak2 sepak takraw west coast untuk rewang, pak long was one of them lah. then he said that, dorang boleh rewang punya, tapi rokok mesti mau adalah! heheh. he said dat, kalau dorang turun rewang, mereka akan diberikan satu tuala yg dlm ikatan tuala tersebut ada sekotak rokok.

den mak long tanya pak long, "abih u pun hisap rokok jugak lah?"

and he said," dulu kan masih membujang!"


and they all had to bring all the periuk2 dari rumah orang ke ke tempat majlis tersebut, pastu lepas abis majlis, dorang kena bersihkan dan kena antar balik periuk2 ke rumah orang tersebut! waah... sekarang dah tak payah, semua nya catering, yg tukang masak pun mintak orang luar punya.

well dats a little bit of history about orang melayu rewang zaman dulu2.

21 March 2005

Main Gitar?

today gi jemputan kawin lagi. abang man, sepupu aku, tanya aku, "main gitar eh?" aku rasa hairan sebab dia bukan manusia pertama yg bertanya begitu. in fact last week peh jemputan kawin, makcik aku, cik norizan dan pakcik aku, cik nordin, bertanya soalan yang sama. jadi aku pun tanya abang man balik,"mana tau?"

dia kata abg hisham, sepupu yg lagi satu yg beritahu. at that time, aku ada band competition kat Jurong Ville CC. band aku dapat masuk finals. tapi kalah. waktu tu aku nampak abang hisham, tapi malu pulak nak tegur. dia nampak aku perform kat atas stage dat time. sebab tu lah sepupu2 dan uncle-auntie semua tau.

tapi aku menjawab, aku dah tak main band lagi. aku takut pulak nanti dorang terfikir, aku ni nak step main band pastu dah abis. sebenarnya memang lah aku minat bermain band main lagu2 metal. tapi dah lama gitu aku main, aku mula rasa 'penat'. dan ia berpunca pada diri aku yg minat pada seni lain pulak; drama teater.

tapi kan, yg aku hairan, kenapa dorang tanya, "main gitar?" dan bukan, "main band?" so macam kelakar gitu lah. ehehehe.
kesian eh.

20 March 2005

The Fight

ok people. this video clip was taken at past midnite, its a video about 2 boxes fighting each other. but y did they fight? well, that's not your problem. hahahaha!

ok lame.

please right click the link and click "Save Target As".

The Fight

filename: theFight.avi
size: 3.75 MB
resolution: 160 x 120 px
length: 83 secs
note: no audio, just video

19 March 2005

Sepupu aku Peh Nenek Meninggal

just got back dari jenazah, my sepupu punya nenek, beliau meninggal tinggal di simei st 5.

so now at home doing nothing, im on the pc while the tv is on. i dunno what the hell the story Titan AE is.

felt like riding tonite. just ride around bt panjang.

18 March 2005

my computer. check out the hi-fi, dats my PC speaker! hehe Posted by Hello

17 March 2005

Its Time To Read Books

menyesal ah aku tak jot down all the books that i've read since secondary school, cos i really wanna know how many books have i read. its not that i wanna show off that i'm a reader and ur not or some sort. its just an information only. so now i'm gonna start a new column for books that i've read, starting from today.

i've read one book called Air Mata Adam. its really nice cos it shows you how a girl's ego and her stupidity can lead her to suffering. And how a guy can suffer if u get a girl of a higher rank in terms of family and wealth. oh yeah. hehehe

camel from Israel Posted by Hello

Force to Sleep Against my Sleeping Schedule

i slept early today, after i watch Berita in Suria channel that ended at 12am, i went to sleep. but i wasn't really sleepy, except that i was very tired after playing football and 'Red Indian' at the NYP hockey pitch with MCG members that same evening. anyway my sister gonna use the comp so i thought this is the time for me to take a break.

so after i baring2 kat tilam, for like 1 hour i guess, then i slept... and then i dream. i dreamt i was at this food court near a shopping centre. it looks likes marina square. the scary part was, i was ordering kuay teow at this stall, but i was waiting too long, so i jalan2 around that area, the scary thing is dat, the area was dark. only moon lit up the area, so it wasn't too dark. then i went back to the food court and guess what!!! the food court was dark! no people! all the stalls were closed! fuck man! tu part yg sakit hati ah serius cos its scary. i dun mnd about the kuay teow but it was scary. so i jalan2 and somehow i can actually woke up from the dream.

i awake and my throat was dry, so i got a drink. and went back to my tilam, but somehow i cannot go back to sleep. not because i was terrified of the dream but i think because i was forcing my self to change my sleeping schedule dgn secara mendadak. i usually sleep at 3.30am so i think dats y i cannot sleep. so here i am... blogging. after this i'm gonna play MUOnline.

oh yeah it was fun playing 'red indian' with a few mcg members. but the best part was actually coming to school and met with the usual faces of mcg members cos i really rindu sekali dgn mereka2 i wish i'm still schooling...

i told heikal to make every wednesday, a healthy lifestyle day for mcg people so i can come to school early and play some sports with them, after that, lepaking at mcg room, play cards and talk cock with them. that will make one day much more lively since its been 2 weeks staying at home, doing nothing.

14 March 2005

baru bangun dari tidur Posted by Hello

FujiFilm FinePix A330 Posted by Hello

Digital Camera...Finally!

Guys, did u go to the IT Show at suntec city? no? well u wasted man! barang2 IT dan electronic byk yg murah2 dok! tapi tak lah murah sangat. murah nya setakat dlm $10 hingga $40 less than its original price lah, well dats for my opinion lah.

tapi ape yg aku nak ceritakan ni ada lah cerita yg sangat gembira. i've got myself a digital camera, finally! well its a family digital camera, dat means bukan aku punya sorang tetapi mak bapak aku dan adik2 aku boleh gunakan camera tersebut.

its only $299. but i got a free 256MB card! fulamak... dat means i can take at least 300 pictures!

cuma ada satu masalah, hard disk aku dah tinggal 1GB, takut nanti takde space nak upload gambar ni. tapi takpe.

aku gembira kini :-)

12 March 2005


minta maaf J. aku bersalah. terima kasih kerana kau telah sedarkan aku yg selama ini ditenggelami oleh syurga ku sendiri.

aku hanya insan yg lemah, lemah sehingga aku tidak dapat mengawal diriku sendiri.

aku bersendirian. hatiku kosong. aku ingin menyintai tetapi aku tidak dapat orang yg ku cintai untuk mencintai diriku!

dan sesungguhnya, aku tidak dapat mengawal perasaan cintaku!

kau adalah insan yg tidak patut aku cintai, J.

aku adalah insan yg tidak patut kau cintai, J.

tetapi kau telah menjadi pelita yg telah menerangi jalan2 ku yg sudah lama gelap.

Terima kasih, J.

Warkah ini adalah untuk diri ku dan aku tidak berniat untuk memberitahu pada rakan2 ku yg lain. Sekian.

11 March 2005

Izad's Birthday, Shit! Dia dah 22 dulu dari aku!

Just got back from Bt Batok. actually i was at the Phat Bird (the singapore river near the OUB Building) celebrating Izad's birthday. But you may ask me, what am i doing at Bt Batok then? Well let me tell you the story.

I took the bus 190 at bt panjang with Nazrin which he took the bus at CCK. sekali kat PIE there's a traffic jam. ada satu orang ni terduduk di tepi road, aku rasa dia peh motor kena langgar dgn kereta. so after kita dah sampai orchard road, the traffic was slow. we wanted to go to Boat Quay to meet with the rest of our members but the traffic made us late. so now i know, next time if i wanna go orchard, i'll take the bus. but if i wanna go raffles place area, i'll take the MRT instead, so i dun have to trap in the traffic cos dah beberapa kali macam tu. dulu nak gi The Substation near the Regional National Library (dah roboh) pun gitu jugak. naik bus sampai orchard cepat, bila dah jalan menuju ke Dhoby Ghaut ajer, haaa kau! traffic jam... siul

after we met with my friends at raffles place, kita gi Lau Pa Sat. izad dan girlfriend nya dah pun sampai kat sana. kita bukak kek Polar yg kecil, izad tiup api, hazira potong kek, kita order makan yg mahal tu. pastu saliefah and wan mok balik, yg lain lepak kat phat bird, tempat lepak kita sejak zaman kita orang masih dlm silat nyp dulu.

pastu biasa lah, berbual2 pasal hal2 dan problem2 seharian. abih waktu tu dah kul 11.30 so aku dan naz jalan towards the boat quay untuk menaiki bus 190 yg opposite dgn Funan IT Mall. sekali dapat tau kita dah terlepas last bus! the last bus was 11.36pm

so nazrin check out other buses yg boleh kita naik. satu bus ni, no 174 last bus nya 11.50 so kita boleh naik bus tersebut dan turun kat bt batok. but the bus must make sure sampai bt batok sebelum 12.20pm so we can take the last train to cck. tapi sayangnya, bus sampai kat bt batok kul 12.36pm jadi terpaksa lah kita naik taxi. sebelum tu kita check out rumah nazrin lama yg kat blk 623 tu sebelum kita naik taxi.

so begitulah cerita nya kenapa kita kat bt batok malam2 buta.

oh yer, tak sangka yer saliefah dan wan mok were together. yg satu kurus yg satu gemuk. tapi yg baik nya ialah, saliefah orangnya baik dan memang kena lah dgn wan mok, dia pun orangnya baik dan relak2 punya orang, so memang dorang dua tu kena lah. :-)

tak sangka jugak si izad tu dah ada mata air. his girlfriend was once a police officer! she's one year older than izad. dia ceritakan satu kes ni pasal pompuan tudung buat seks ngan bf nya kat blk tingkat 15! heheheh! dia kata pompuan bogel abis tapi tudungnya masih intact! Damn!!!
waah, aku rasa best jugak eh kalau dapat gerl yg lebih tua dari kita. sebab dorang ni lebih matured dan more experience. so macam bagus gitu. ;-)

09 March 2005

Bukit Batok Town, The Whole of Jurong and Bt Gombak Town Conquered

At 9am i went out of my house, get my bike and rode off. Today aku nak mengembara ke Bt Gombak dan Bt Batok.

First stop, kat Bt Gombak, aku makan breakfast kat Al-Ameen, prata kosong 3 dgn teh tarik. selepas itu, aku pergi ke Bt Batok. Sampai di sana, aku stop kat Bt Batok Bus Int sebab ada orang call aku, tapi private number. aku tak sempat nak angkat. so i continue perjalanan aku dan jalan ke Central, aku jenguk rumah Ashadi kat block 106. i wonder if he still lives there or not. sambil tu aku jalan around central area, sampai ke tempat blok Marni. aku tengok barber shop melayu dah takde lagi kat sana...aku check time masih awal, so aku cadang nak conquer Jurong East.

sambil tu, aku jalan kat area rumah Izzam, dan masuk ke Jurong East St 21.

aku jalan kat tempat mana aku selalu jalan kaki bila nak gi sekola shuqun sec. so aku pun jenguk2 sekola aku tu, tapi semua tutup, takkan ari ni cuti sekolah? well anyway, aku teruskan perjalanan aku ke jurong east dan aku stop kat library jurong east. aku relak2 kat dalam sambil baca buku pasal Russia zaman WWII. dlm buku tu ada satu gambar pompuan ni kena tangkap oleh german soldiers sebab dia adalah sniper bagi Russian soldiers, kat bawah gambar tu menunjukkan beliau terbaring, mati, tali kat lehernya, buah dadanya terdedah. kat bawah tertulis "she was being tortured, her breasts were mutilated and she was hanged." kesian eh...

Since aku masih ada banyak masa, waktu tu time kul 1++pm, aku jalan masuk ke tempat perumahan Jurong West, perjalanan aku agak jauh jugak tu sebab sampai ke Boon Lay MRT ajer, bontot aku dah mula sakit2, kaki2 ku pun macam dah mintak ampun. so aku relak jap kat bawah blk, then aku rasa daripada aku stop kat boon lay ajer, baik aku conquer seluruh Jurong! so aku check kat dlm map, Jurong Extension aku belum conquer, so aku choose dua checkpoint menandakan bahwa aku telah pun conquer the last area of Jurong, Nanyang CC dan Gek Poh Ville CC.

Selepas Gek Poh aku dah sampai, aku pun cari nanyang CC. aku beli botol besar lepas tu aku check map lagi, actually ada satu road terus boleh masuk ke Boon Lay Industrial Park, dimana bapak aku kerja, dan dimana aku pernah kerja. so aku teruskan perjalanan aku ke industrial park tersebut. aku sampai ke Jurong Delivery Base, aku jenguk2 sikit, manalah tau aku boleh terjumpa bapak aku ker. Selepas itu aku check kat map lagi, aku terlihat Jurong Town CC. teringin jugak aku ingin kesana sebab kat sana ada byk kenangan yg telah lama aku lupakan. di situlah tempat nya aku mulakan seni melayu iaitu, dikir barat. baru2 nak bukak actually, abih waktu budak2 sec semua minat dikir, aku apa lagi, kawan ajak, aku masuk lah. dan seperti biasa, kalau melayu peh organisation, mesti ada hal. well, hal2 tersebut lah yg aku tidak mahu ingat balik sebab ia menyakitkan hati aku.

So kat industrial park, aku jalan ikut International Road, sebab road tu boleh sampai ke CC tersebut, punya jauh! panas pulak tu! tapi dah sampai kat the end of the international road, aku pusing dan ternampak Jurong Stadium, waah, rupa2nya di sini tempat nya Sinchi FC main bola. then first time aku dapat tengok masjid Assyakirin yg baru dibina tu. lawar betul masjid, dah tak macam dulu.

then akhirnya sampai pun aku kat jurong town cc. aku teringat balik zaman2 dulu bila terlihat tempat makan yg bersebelahan dgn jurong town cc tu kerana tempat tu pun byk kenangan. aku pun relak kat bawah block sambil chui2 sikit cc yg telah di-upgrade kan. sungguh lawar.

Well akhirnya, aku telah menjelajahi seluruh Jurong. aku pun nak balik. dari jurong town cc, aku pun jalan mencari lakeside mrt, since its near. kat situ, aku mengambil road yg terus masuk ke jurong east. sampai dipersimpangan jurong east dan chinese garden, aku ternampak Yuhua CC. so aku pun jalan ke sana, sebab disitulah tempat aku bermain carrom dgn kawan2 aku zaman aku sec 2. then aku teruskan perjalanan aku dari bus stop dimana aku selalu ambik bus nombor 176 bila nak balik sekola, yg berdekatan dgn masjid almukminin. aku pun jalan ke road yg ada bridge yg besar dat connects Jurong East and Bt batok, the road which i used to walk with Ashadi bila nak balik dari Shuqun sec.

sampai kat bt batok central, aku ternampak bt batok swimming complex, apalagi, aku pun jalan ke sana. aku teruskan perjalanan aku dan aku pass by bukit view sec. sekali aku pun pass by ite west (bt batok). tak sangka aku, ite tersebut pun kat that stretch of road rupanya.

then aku ingatkan nak balik dari hillview road, aku pun jalan kat bawah blok raudha dan hanisah dan berpusing masuk ke hillview. sekali aku nampak tempat perumahan Hillview. aku rasa nak gi sana ah, tak pernah seh gi sana. sampai sana ajer, mak oi! macam ghost town lah! langsung takde orang. flat2 nya nampak macam flat kat west coast dan teban garden gitu.abih tu buruk, kes dah lama tak paint. so i got out of the place cos i was kinda afraid, heheheh. then jalan ke bt timah road.

sekali aku sampai kat bus stop near assumption english school, ada pompuan2 jambu ah! heheeh... tapi aku tak chui ah. sebab aku malu.

dan akhirnya aku pun sampai di bukit panjang. waah, sungguh puas hati. sampai rumah kul 5.15pm so dalam 8 jam aku mengembara seluruh Jurong dan Bt Gombak dan Bt Batok. walaupun bontot ku dan kaki2 ku sakit, aku rasa cukup puas hati kerana bukan sahaja aku mengamalkan gaya hidup sihat, malah aku dapat pergi ke tempat2 yg tidak pernah aku kunjungi. Dan juga, aku dapat mengembara ke tempat2 yg jauh dgn hanya menaiki basikal. Kerja macam ni memang bagus untuk anak2 bujang yg belum berpunya atau yg belum ada cinta dlm hatinya dan selalu takde kerja nak buat di rumah. dan juga untuk mengelakkan daripada membuat kerja2 yg tidak senonoh.

anak bujang + computer + internet connection = kerja tidak senonoh


08 March 2005

Menjelajah ke CCK dan Yew Tee

Hari ini, buat pertama kali dalam hidupku, aku telah menjelajah ke dua town centre yg berdekatan dgn Bukit Panjang; iaitu Chua Chu Kang dan Yew Tee.

Bila aku sampai ke chua chu kang, aku dah berpeluh dgn rabaknya. so aku relaks sekejap sambil menikmati Big Gulp. aku ingatkan nak balik ajer terus, sekali aku tengok aku masih ada masa lagi dan chua chu kang dan yew tee agak dekat jugak jaraknya, jadi aku pun terus menaiki basikalku hingga ke yew tee. Fuyooh... best lah. selepas itu aku balik bukan dari jalan yg sama, tetapi aku mencari tempat shortcut dimana dari yew tee, kita boleh ambik shortcut ke woodlands atau bukit panjang dari woodlands road. at first aku sesat sikit, tapi aku bersemangat untuk mencari shortcut tersebut, aku ternampak ada satu road menuju ke yew tee pri sch. so aku masuk ke road tersebut dan terus kan perjalanan hingga aku ternampak satu bridge that connects to the woodlands rd and yew tee. fuuh best! dapat jugak shortcut tu! jadi perjalanan balik was shortened.

mungkin besok aku nak menjelajah ke bukit gombak pulak. dan kalau aku tak penat aku akan teruskan perjalanan ku hingga ke bukit batok.

07 March 2005

I'm in Pain...No More!!!

Im in pain...
I am so in pain...
Its time for me to do it...
I knew its time...
I just knew it, I don't care whats the consequences...
I just have to do it...

finally, i've done it! I've bought a bicycle!!!!!!!!!!!
Of all this years, since i was small, i really wanted to ride a bicycle, and now, 21 years old, i've finally have my own bike. Fuuuh! puas hati. Sungguh puas hati.

Its $99. Masalahnya sekarang, macam mana nak top up balik duit bank aku ni? Now left $310, damn...
But that can wait... i must enjoy myself right now, i'm happy now. :) Yeahoo!

when i bought the bike at Bt Panjang Plaza, i took it out and i ride it, i thought i wanna go Woodlands, so i go towards the Woodlands Rd. Sekali ride punya ride, aku belum sampai Kranji MRT, so it was really far dan perjalanannya sungguh mencabar, batu-bata, sampah sarap, pathway yg pecah2, fuuyoh i was scared at first. But i keep my mind positive and continue riding. sekali bila sampai kat bus stop B24 kat woodlands rd, the pathway stops there... so dgn niat ingin nak balik sebab dah pukul 6.10pm, i went back home.


Jamming For the Last Time, A Tribute For Firman, Bon Voyage to Pulau Tekong! Hehe

had a good jamming at lee studio. a so called tribute for firman since he's going to NS. we played the same old iron maiden songs. but the good thing is, we tried the song 'Aces High' since we didn't get the chance to play that cos our band berpecah. so the song sounded so nice, i really like it. but my fingers were not that fast anymore like last time. the best song that we played well was 'The Trooper' and as usual i sang while playing the bass, Fuuh! Gerek siul, dah lama tak main tu lagu, always the all time favorite and the all time warm up song when everytime we jammed last time.

04 March 2005

Board Game

confessions were made... but the other party is not having any feelings for anyone. i respect the decision and hope that we continue our relationship as friends then :-)

well, at least my heart feels at ease right now, finally...fuuuh!
oh well, now i'm facing with something that i've been facing for the past few months, boredom. i dun wanna stay at home until i got my NS letter. alamak... ape aku nak buat eh... hmm... maybe i should continue my project that i've stopped for a while since hari raya. its my own project and the project that i'm making is... a board game!

well let me tell you something about this project. memang dah lama teringin nak buat board game sebab aku takde duit nak beli board game seperti monopoly or Risk. and i also felt like making my own board game and i wanna how excited i will be if the kids love my board game!

the first board game that i created... well i only create the board. its a map of Bukit Panjang, but i only draw the outlines of the kampung2 of Bukit Panjang.

then at first i wanna do a game about gangsters. each player will be given a leader, this leader will have to conquer any kampung near their territory, and they the leader will get his army everytime he conquers a kampung. and then they will fight with other gangsters until they conquer the whole Bukit Panjang! so how? sounds cool isn't it?

then waktu hari raya tu, izad bebual pasal a game mengenai jalan raya cos since we got alot of incidents happen during our jalan raya with izad and a few of my friends. so kita buat game tu in a concept of a board game, and it sounds so cool!
but itu nanti2 lah...

so i'll start my project tomorrow since i'm not going out.

03 March 2005

The Incident in Siloso Beach Posted by Hello

Sentosa - Raudha Bday

since i'm going for raudha's birthday, might as well buy her a present kan. so i go check out a few shops at HarbourFront. and there i found this bracelet, enough for my budget.

then ate at seah im food court with wediah and marni, and then raudha and dina, her friend came and ate together with us. then we took the Sentosa bus, then one of them buat kelakar, "jangan lupa kluarkan passport", "passport mana, passport!"

wediah said she doesn't know whats a monorail, cos she never ride before, so we took the monorail and its easier to go to the siloso beach by monorail, only 2 stops.

reach there and found a very good spot, near the lifeguard's post. well the normal routine of going to the beach then started, swimming, play cards, smoke, eat, drink.

then we would like to swim to the other island, it looks kinda near ah, its like the normal length of the olympic swimming pool. so we tried many kinds and we finally tried the swim in line. all of us swim facing up and swim the together. then suddenly raudha, dina and raq terkluar line, while i said to wediah and marni to continue cos i think, we can make it. we swam kinda slow, the water started to go into my nose, and i coughed, then marni was gone! i was so scared! rupa-rupanya dia jauh tertinggal dari kita, nasib baik dia tau swim, so she swim back to us and and then we were back in line again, we continue swim to the island, i remember someone shout at us to come back, but its not possible, cos i was very tired and we are halfway there. reach the shore of the other island, then the lifeguard with a boat came and asked if we were ok, cos he heard we were coughing very loud. so he was worried. we said ok, the life guard told us to raise up our hands if we are in need. so for a few while we sat on the shore, i was shivering, not becos of cold but becos i was terrified, i was so scared one of them will not make it, but wediah and marni looked ok, they said they were alright, tapi hati aku tak tenteram. we called back the lifeguard to get us back. first wediah was brought back by the boat, then they brought back marni while i swam back. the lifeguard was following me while i swam, he told me to swim slower, but i can't cos i really wanna go back. but then i manage to control my emotions and i swam a little bit slower. and then after we reached the siloso beach, the other 3 girls, told us that the other lifeguard on top of the post was scolding them for bringing a non-swimmer there. aku rasa menyesal. i tried to forget the incident by playing card games, nasib baik aku boleh lupakan, tapi bila aku balik rumah, aku nak tidor pun tak boleh, teringat2 pasal incident tu. the thing is aku tak suka kena tegur bila aku buat salah. kalau kena tegur dgn baik, takpe lah. tapi kalau dah sampai kena maki2 tu, tu yg buat aku tak tenteram ah. takpelah, lesson learnt...

went back to the main land and ate at Lau Pa Sat. satay mahal! satu cucuk ajer $0.50 matilah ni macam! abih tu takde meal yg $3 or less! aku beli mee hong kong for $4. tapi tak sedap! masak pun tak betul! ape punya orang melayu! alamak, nasib baik aku withdraw duit sikit dari account aku.

went to esplanade and saw heikal and An and together we went to roof garden and had a few chat and went home. those 2 guys were back from Victoria Theatre, they were watching Tun Fatimah, good thing is they learnt some good thngs in theatrical stuffs.

01 March 2005

From Bt Batok to CCK, then to Old Woodlands

i was at my friend's house block 623 bt batok, putting stuffs into boxes because dia dah nak pindah the next day to CCK. after kemas2 finish, we went to sleep around 6am. but i was like talking to Nazrin about this girl and he was like teasing me while kissing his bantal peluk, but i took his bantal peluk and hug it real tight making sure Nazrin couldn't kacau it. hehehe. ok sounds like gay, i know. so its like about 7++ then we died.

the next day, all the things were put into the lorry and went off, while me and nazrin wait at the house there, to sweep and mop the floors. i was having break so i was at the corridor, then i saw 1 cat follow this woman near her pasu2 bunga in front of her house. then another small one followed, it was so cute. then at a later time, these 2 cats were looking inside the house from outside of the gate, maybe they were waiting for food i guess. cute man, teringat zaman aku masih tinggal kat west coast drive, where i gave this one cat some fried fish from my corridor, i live in level 2 so i guess the cat went up to find some food ah. so i was giving this cat like a few fried fish. and then when my grandmother balik dari rumah, she scolded me because those fried fish is for the family to eat. i remembered i gave the cat too many fish ah, dats y. i was only like kindergarten 1 or 2. what do u expect, rite?

then at night, lepak with firman, the main reason i wanna lepak with him is to get a few advice on dates, so he gave the human ettiquette, he talked about how strange and weird a girl can be. thanks for your opinion man. oh yeah he also told me about the retrograde motion of Mars. if u tot dat Mars is going the other way around like what the chain letter told us, well u are wrong. so go check out what retrograde motion is.


waktu pagi aku sampai, aku terus bukak sandwich aku untuk membagi budak2 makan. pagi2 lagi aku beli roti dan tuna mayonaise untuk dibuat sandwich.

then the bus came, and off we went to NYJC. then i saw this group of students wearing red t-shirts. then at the registration counter, i saw Nazri, my brother, and shouted at him,"Oi! asal datang cepat sangat! show start kul 2 tau! hahhaahah!" heheheheh. the red students came with all their supporters at 11am! hehehe.

then the officer showed us to our classroom, which is our dressing room lah. raqiah and idah helped to iron our clothes. aisyah and farhana helped do the girls' hair and makeup.

then we had our practice in the classroom which we shared with another Junior college. i always mixed up the 2 lines in my song. then my body started to feel uneasy, i was nervous, in fact the nervousness was too much, i guess because i was afraid i wud mix up my lyrics.

then it was our turn to go, we went out of our dressing room, carrying all the stuffs, kita orang betul2 nampak macam nak gi jemputan kahwin gitu. and then into the stage we went. badan aku terus rasa lemah, i was so nervous. aku jalan pun macam orang tak bermaya. belum start aku dah rasa penat gitu.

but after i finish my line, i went to the chair, got my guitar, adjust the mic stands and get ready. it was time to sing. i started singing, and the audience cheered and clapped, it felt great! i didn't feel nervous anymore. after my song, i took theh rebana and started the beat. the audience cheered so loud cos Khai and Raudha joget! after our show ended, we got back to our dressing room, kemas2 and went back to the theatre. after the dikir barat performance by nyjc, it was time fo rthe results.

well, i was disappointed tjat they didn't called up our school. my head was down, but heikal told me to lift up my head, not to show our disapointment. i was happy at least, my brother came and saw me perform.